Canadas economy is not meant for the globalized world. You can thank the fossils at the security apparatus for stabbing allies in the back, and hence our opportunities and foreign investment. Arrogance destroying Canada while they keep their heads in the trough.
"shockedcanadian" said Canadas economy is not meant for the globalized world. You can thank the fossils at the security apparatus for stabbing allies in the back, and hence our opportunities and foreign investment. Arrogance destroying Canada while they keep their heads in the trough.
Yet you inexplicably trust these same shitheads when they push the TPP.
"BartSimpson" said Canadas economy is not meant for the globalized world. You can thank the fossils at the security apparatus for stabbing allies in the back, and hence our opportunities and foreign investment. Arrogance destroying Canada while they keep their heads in the trough.
Yet you inexplicably trust these same shitheads when they push the TPP.
Push away. Better than arming our enemies with access to markets which will allow them to expand their empires.
Canada has, and likely will continue too bat well above her average in the global economy. There is nothing indicating that this will change in the immediate future.
"peck420" said Canada has, and likely will continue too bat well above her average in the global economy. There is nothing indicating that this will change in the immediate future.
Canadas economy is not meant for the globalized world. You can thank the fossils at the security apparatus for stabbing allies in the back, and hence our opportunities and foreign investment. Arrogance destroying Canada while they keep their heads in the trough.
Yet you inexplicably trust these same shitheads when they push the TPP.
Canadas economy is not meant for the globalized world. You can thank the fossils at the security apparatus for stabbing allies in the back, and hence our opportunities and foreign investment. Arrogance destroying Canada while they keep their heads in the trough.
Yet you inexplicably trust these same shitheads when they push the TPP.
Push away. Better than arming our enemies with access to markets which will allow them to expand their empires.
Canada has, and likely will continue too bat well above her average in the global economy. There is nothing indicating that this will change in the immediate future.
Lol yeah. I have a bridge for sale.