
Canada Kicks Ass Points

Earn points for contributing content and participating in the site.

Points are awarded based on the type of content posted, voted on, or commented.

Top Users
username points
Hyack 47436.6
DrCaleb 23286.4
N_Fiddledog 18144.4
wildrosegirl 7538.8
Khar 4754.6
Strutz 4685.9
Scape 4658.3
Regina 4246.9
WDHIII 4049.3
shockedcanadian 3484.6

Top Point Actions
action counter total points
add 77421 165236
rate 11270 1351.3
comment 338 338

Top Point Sources
source counter total points
news_links 85718 150360.8
video 2227 12660.5
quotes_list 380 1520
my_egallery 366 854
jokes 231 839
achievements 27 270
famous_canadians 20 100
editorials 12 96
webcams 14 70
reviews 25 65
Recent Points Earned
username how when points
deerhunter added jokes Sep 6, 2020 10
deerhunter added quotes_list Sep 6, 2020 4
Vanucx commented on my_egallery Aug 15, 2020 3
dj23 added video Mar 5, 2020 6
CharlesAnthony added news_links Feb 19, 2020 4
housewife added news_links Oct 25, 2019 2
Martin15 added news_links Jun 23, 2019 102
sandraj commented on my_egallery May 20, 2019 1
purebobby added video Jan 26, 2019 6
homebound commented on my_egallery Oct 12, 2018 1
inwbron added video May 11, 2018 6
dzwcmf2 added video May 11, 2018 6
t2c9hrd added video May 11, 2018 6
0jthedk added video May 8, 2018 6
cckpusv added video May 8, 2018 6
60ssql0 added video May 7, 2018 6
ldkp401 added video May 6, 2018 12
c1q1cta added video May 6, 2018 6
3ozmivs added video May 6, 2018 6
1f7blrt added video May 4, 2018 6
xh6fogo added video May 4, 2018 6
0bb3inj added video May 4, 2018 6
bml16ga added video May 4, 2018 6
jky5419 added video May 3, 2018 6
fv453bb added video May 3, 2018 6
jbdcvt3 added video May 3, 2018 6
gew81y6 added video May 3, 2018 6
njl5nuq added video May 1, 2018 6
r61zc7z added video May 1, 2018 6

How To Earn Points
module action point value
achievements add 10
content add 20
editorials add 15
famous_canadians add 5
guestbook add 1
jokes add 1
jokes add 5
maps add 1
maps add 5
my_egallery add 1
my_egallery add 5
news_links add 2
quotes_list add 4
reviews add 2
reviews add 5
video add 6
webcams add 2
webcams add 5
web_links add 1
web_links add 2
achievements comment 3
editorials comment 1
jokes comment 1
maps comment 1
my_egallery comment 1
news_links comment 0.5
reviews comment 1
video comment 1
achievements rate 2
editorials rate 1
famous_canadians rate 1
news_links rate 0.1
video rate 1.5