"Unsound" said Much ado about nothing? So you'd let your kids sit in a cardboard box in the back seat on the highway, rather than in a seat with proper restraints?
Yep I would have. I also didn't bubble wrap them either.
I'm so old that I remember cars without seatbelts. I'd crossed the continent and back twice in the back seats of cars without belts back there. Seatbelts are a good ideas, yes but this is far from a capital crime. A smart cop would have mentioned the danger and sent them on their way. Our world has gone so totally wussie that we're petrified with fear of one-in-a-million events like a major car crash while your kid is quietly playing in a box. Effin nuts.
When I was ten I rode my bike really fast across a major road without stopping to look for cars. I didn't die. Therefore it's perfectly safe to do what i did and people who tell their kids to stop and look for cars are safety Nazis.
Remember when it was totally cool to drive home after a few drinks? Spoilsports today just don't want us to have any fun. WHat are the chances of actually getting into an accident in the few blocks from the bar to my house?
Be sure to bubble wrap your kids and shelter them from anything that could even remotely cause any discomfort. Train them to be no - risk, praise junkie sheep.
It's not about "bubble wrapping" kids, it's about knowing the difference between reasonable risks and stupidity. Speeding down the highway with a young kids sitting in a fucking cardboard box rather than properly buckled in is stupid and negligent.
If you think that teaching my kids about and reasonable safety rules and, y'know obeying the fucking law is going to turn them in sheep... well I guess we have very different ideas of parenting. I sure hope you're not in here some day telling us that your kid flew through the windshield and died after a relatively minor accident that would've left them with minor bruises if they'd been buckled up.
I remember rassling in the back of the station wagon while both parents smoked in the front seat barreling across Canada at 70 mph, and piling into the back of a pickup coming home from the beach. That was then, this is now. Quit whining about the gov't making laws for you. That's what happens when you're too stupid to do it yourself.
Much ado about nothing.
Anybody remember sitting in the box of a pickup driving down the highway?
Much ado about nothing.
I do.
But the safety nazis are convinced people need to be protected from themselves.
Much ado about nothing? So you'd let your kids sit in a cardboard box in the back seat on the highway, rather than in a seat with proper restraints?
Yep I would have. I also didn't bubble wrap them either.
If you think that teaching my kids about and reasonable safety rules and, y'know obeying the fucking law is going to turn them in sheep... well I guess we have very different ideas of parenting. I sure hope you're not in here some day telling us that your kid flew through the windshield and died after a relatively minor accident that would've left them with minor bruises if they'd been buckled up.
That was then, this is now.
Quit whining about the gov't making laws for you. That's what happens when you're too stupid to do it yourself.