![]() Rachel Notley says fiscal challenges bigger than expectedProvincial Politics | 207715 hits | May 27 3:08 pm | Posted by: ShepherdsDog Commentsview comments in forum Page 1 2 You need to be a member of CKA and be logged into the site, to comment on news. |
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I wonder if our current Federal government is going to leave cooked books behind them too, if they go down this fall.
Let's hope so.
WTF are the auditor generals doing that allows this sort of thing?
Going by the shredding binge the PC's were doing on their way out I'd say the Dippers are probably encountering all kinds of fucked-up things and deeply entrenched good ol' boy antics that are going back at least to the Klein era. It's gonna be one hell of a fight to fix even a portion of it. A dynasty lasting fourty-four years most likely leaves an Augean Stables-sized mess behind it when it finally gets the boot.
Government auditors should be given whatever tools they need to make sure the books are what they should be.
It's so cute when they are all young and naieve!
The AG's do their jobs correctly. The politicians usually just ignore what the AG's have to say.
But who watches the watchers?
Every single party says exactly the same thing to pre-empt the sure to follow broken campaign promises.
And all kinds of new tax hikes.
Preparing the ground for a PST.