Correctional officers will be paid overtime to supervise inmates at the Southwest Detention Centre in Windsor, Ont., who watch this Sunday's Super Bowl.
Nurse Ratchet was a good egg especially since McMurphy had been such a dickhead about being incarcerated in an mental institution.
Although, I wonder if they did the same for the Grey Cup because if they didn't then there's no fucking way they should for an American Championship. The CFL down east needs all the fans they can get, incarcerated or not.
Pathetic. What next, provide some nice cheese and cold cuts trays for them? Order in some pizzas? I mean hey, what's the point of a Super Bowl "party" if they's gots no snacks.
Although, I wonder if they did the same for the Grey Cup because if they didn't then there's no fucking way they should for an American Championship. The CFL down east needs all the fans they can get, incarcerated or not.
Or not I guess.