Choudary, 47, and eight other men aged 22, 31, 31, 32, 36, 38, 39 and 51 were arrested in London this morning, and have all been taken to police stations
I'm sure there's a modern and progressive British justice ready to hear the case and make the ruling that it's not illegal to make death threats if your religion demands it or if you're part of an oppressed minority. Clearly the white man's society is entirely to blame.
They finally tossed Andy Chaudry (his original name). It is a shame they can't send this pig fucker to sun himself in Camp X ray in Gimto. That camp was built for primates like him.
Hopefully they can lock him up for a while.
says it all right there.
Hope they can lay charges and make them stick this time.
They need to find a way to keep those two separated from the other Jihadis in prison though - if justice prevails, I mean.