Holy shit! This is just insane. My prayers go out to the injured and their families. I just hope there aren't any more bombs waiting to take out emergency workers.
I guess I shouldn't jump to conclusions and assume it was a terrorist attack. I suppose a natural gas explosion hasn't been ruled out so I guess I'll keep watching the news.
In probably the sickest coincidence imaginable, the AP is reporting that some of the family members of the Newtown victims were sitting in a VIP section near the blasts.
I jumped to conclusions with my first post, but the official Boston Marathon twitter account is revering to the events as bombs.
"DanSC" said In probably the sickest coincidence imaginable, the AP is reporting that some of the family members of the Newtown victims were sitting in a VIP section near the blasts.
I jumped to conclusions with my first post, but the official Boston Marathon twitter account is revering to the events as bombs.
EDIT: Jumped to conclusions. No confirmation as to what caused the explosion.
It's still very early, but it looks like a suicide bomber.
Well that makes sense, because marathon runners are the biggest problem in the world today.
I recall John McCain's words after 9/11 - "May God have mercy on their souls, because we won't."
I hope everyone is OK, except the alleged suicide bomber.
I jumped to conclusions with my first post, but the official Boston Marathon twitter account is revering to the events as bombs.
https://twitter.com/bostonmarathon/stat ... 9922980865
https://twitter.com/BostonDotCom/status ... 7746790402
In probably the sickest coincidence imaginable, the AP is reporting that some of the family members of the Newtown victims were sitting in a VIP section near the blasts.
I jumped to conclusions with my first post, but the official Boston Marathon twitter account is revering to the events as bombs.
https://twitter.com/bostonmarathon/stat ... 9922980865
WTF is wrong with people??