A show at a private girls' high school in Sherbooke, Que., went strangely awry when a young hypnotist left several students in mass hypnosis limbo and he had to call in his mentor to snap them out of it.
I've been hypnotized, something certainly happened. And that was just in a large group, I'm sure individual hypnotism would be more powerful. Hypnotism is recognized by the APA.
Hypnosis is a set of techniques designed to enhance concentration, minimize one's usual distractions, and heighten responsiveness to suggestions to alter one's thoughts, feelings, behavior, or physiological state. Hypnosis is not a type of psychotherapy. It also is not a treatment in and of itself; rather, it is a procedure than can be used to facilitate other types of therapies and treatments. People differ in the degree to which they respond to hypnosis. The key to becoming hypnotized is the extent to which a person is hypnotizable, which is a very reliable and stable individual difference trait that indexes one's openness to hypnotic suggestions. Research shows that hypnosis works as part of a treatment program for a number of psychological and medical conditions, with pain relief being one of the most researched areas, as shown in a 2000 study by psychologists Steven Lynn, PhD, Irving Kirsch, PhD, Arreed Barabasz, PhD, Etzel Cardeña, PhD, and David Patterson, PhD. Among the benefits associated with hypnosis is the ability to alter the psychological components of the experience of pain that may then have an effect on even severe pain.
In a July 2001 article for Scientific American titled "The Truth and the Hype of Hypnosis", Michael Nash wrote: ...using hypnosis, scientists have temporarily created hallucinations, compulsions, certain types of memory loss, false memories, and delusions in the laboratory so that these phenomena can be studied in a controlled environment.
What a crock of crap. You can only be hypnotized if you allow yourself to become highly suggestive.
All hypnotism comes down to is the removal of certain social stigmas under the guise of loss of self control to another. A hypnotist could never cause a person to do something they would never normally do.
"ShepherdsDog" said Hypnosis itself is a farce, whether it's performed on a stage, or in a 'hypnotherapists' office.
Who should I believe, doctors that study the human mind, or some guy on the internet that can't even be bothered to explain why he thinks it's a farce?
We have doctors with an actual MD that study the human mind we call them neurologists and psychologists and you can find plenty of both that will be happy to sit down and call this crap out for what it is.
Also there is this little nugget from the article:
"Nadeau received about 14 hours of instruction prior to the show —. the basic amount of intensive training most people receive for basic hypnotism techniques."
So yea I'll trust a nurse or an actual doctor over these clown any day of the week.
"Xort" said Hypnosis itself is a farce, whether it's performed on a stage, or in a 'hypnotherapists' office.
Who should I believe, doctors that study the human mind, or some guy on the internet that can't even be bothered to explain why he thinks it's a farce? Why should I give a flying fuck what you believe Xort Bus? I'm not here to convince you of anything...pointing out you're cognitively challenged is just a bonus.
As evidenced by your previos posts, you likely believe in the Tooth fairy, unicorns, faeries, stage magic and the Easter Bunny too. .....close your mouth and wipe your fucking chin Tardzan
As evidenced by your previos posts, you likely believe in the Tooth fairy, unicorns, faeries, stage magic and the Easter Bunny too. .....close your mouth and wipe your fucking chin Tardzan
Why should I give a flying fuck what you believe Xort Bus? I'm not here to convince you of anything...pointing out you're cognitively challenged is just a bonus.
If you are not here to convince anyone of anything, why do you bother to post?
Saying this is bullshit without saying why does nothing to advance the topic.
As evidenced by your previos posts, you likely believe in the Tooth fairy, unicorns, faeries, stage magic and the Easter Bunny too. .....close your mouth and wipe your fucking chin Tardzan
What post have I made that would lead you to think I believe what you listed is real (other than the one that is actualy real)?
Did you just cast doubt on stage magic? IE acknowledged illusion and slight of hand?
The "stuck in trance by a hypnotist" is a myth.
Research shows that hypnosis works as part of a treatment program for a number of psychological and medical conditions, with pain relief being one of the most researched areas, as shown in a 2000 study by psychologists Steven Lynn, PhD, Irving Kirsch, PhD, Arreed Barabasz, PhD, Etzel Cardeña, PhD, and David Patterson, PhD. Among the benefits associated with hypnosis is the ability to alter the psychological components of the experience of pain that may then have an effect on even severe pain.
...using hypnosis, scientists have temporarily created hallucinations, compulsions, certain types of memory loss, false memories, and delusions in the laboratory so that these phenomena can be studied in a controlled environment.
Why didn't we have such interesting activities when I was there?
All hypnotism comes down to is the removal of certain social stigmas under the guise of loss of self control to another. A hypnotist could never cause a person to do something they would never normally do.
The ones around here have the 1000 yard stare............on a good day.
Hypnosis itself is a farce, whether it's performed on a stage, or in a 'hypnotherapists' office.
Who should I believe, doctors that study the human mind, or some guy on the internet that can't even be bothered to explain why he thinks it's a farce?
Also there is this little nugget from the article:
"Nadeau received about 14 hours of instruction prior to the show —. the basic amount of intensive training most people receive for basic hypnotism techniques."
So yea I'll trust a nurse or an actual doctor over these clown any day of the week.
Hypnosis itself is a farce, whether it's performed on a stage, or in a 'hypnotherapists' office.
Who should I believe, doctors that study the human mind, or some guy on the internet that can't even be bothered to explain why he thinks it's a farce?
Why should I give a flying fuck what you believe Xort Bus? I'm not here to convince you of anything...pointing out you're cognitively challenged is just a bonus.
As evidenced by your previos posts, you likely believe in the Tooth fairy, unicorns, faeries, stage magic and the Easter Bunny too. .....close your mouth and wipe your fucking chin Tardzan
As evidenced by your previos posts, you likely believe in the Tooth fairy, unicorns, faeries, stage magic and the Easter Bunny too. .....close your mouth and wipe your fucking chin Tardzan
Hey! Lay off the Easter Bunny!
sorry....they are tasty when served in a red wine sauce
Why should I give a flying fuck what you believe Xort Bus? I'm not here to convince you of anything...pointing out you're cognitively challenged is just a bonus.
Saying this is bullshit without saying why does nothing to advance the topic.
What post have I made that would lead you to think I believe what you listed is real (other than the one that is actualy real)?
Did you just cast doubt on stage magic? IE acknowledged illusion and slight of hand?
Just how stupid are you?