Ex-world chess champion Garry Kasparov was among several people arrested outside the court in Moscow, where three members of Pussy Riot were found guilty of hooliganism.
"GreenTiger" said Not a whole hell of a lot has changed in Russia. We all need to get on our knees and thank God or Mother Nature that we were born in North America.
I guess what I see is a bunch of girls doing there thing in a holy place for the Russians and getting sent to jail for hooliganism. They could have done there protest outside the church and been okay but because they went inside they went to jail. If they had done the same thing in like Germany it would be a hate crime and they would still end up in jail.
"GreenTiger" said Not a whole hell of a lot has changed in Russia. We all need to get on our knees and thank God or Mother Nature that we were born in North America.
The next time someone refers to Stephen Harper as a fascist I shall refer them to this.
Essentially, the Russian govrnment is a partnership of the Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church. As mentioned, there are elements within the ruling coalition, that are even more authoritarian than even Putin. These are the proponents of 'Holy Russia'and Pan-Slavism. They really do believe that Moscow is the Third Rome and it has heaven's mandate to rule all of 'Christendom', if not the world. Essentially Putin is playing a balancing act with the 'ultra religious conservatives' within the ruling coalition.
WTF is it with the Russians and totalitarian regiemes?
First the Tsars, then the Orthodox Church, then the Communists and now the Reformed Orthodox Chruch Communists. At this rate the Russian people won't see true democracy till hell freezes over, but then again, there's a segment of them that doesn't want to anyway.
The Russian Orthodox Church has been a constant power for almost a thousand years. Even Stalin tapped into its power to motivate and unify the Russian people during World war two. It's outlasted everything else in Russia, Tsars, invaders and Communists
"ShepherdsDog" said Essentially, the Russian govrnment is a partnership of the Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church.
No, Putin is government and Putin is all, even church. Russian Orthodox Church is one of the most idiotic organizations, why? Because there are no other religious organizations who control 30% of vodka trade in country. Money income is better than in most of west companies. Their leader has a watch, which price is 30 000$. For Putin, church is an instrument of good influence. Only because of Putim, Russian people are like crowd of rams. I have few their channels that I watch via cable TV. Their news are very awesome:1) Putin is always shown first. 2) Everything is always good in country. There are no unemployement, army of alcogolics( And now I understand why they drink). There is always psychosis of country wellnes. The biggest country in the world has budget like Holland, which is much smaller with less resource (Hi Brenda ). In Ukraine, Yanukovich and co. Who won last president elections with cheating are trying to do the same shit in Ukraine. While choosing Yanukovich East was very happy when he won, now they cry. West is angry, because of new law about language. Russian language there is the second one on paper and it sucks. That court is for rams, and rams don't understand that it's too heavy punishment for act like that. I have no doubt, if it was islam symbol, the situation will be another.
"Freakinoldguy" said Vladamir Putin, another communist turned tator.
WTF is it with the Russians and totalitarian regiemes?
First the Tsars, then the Orthodox Church, then the Communists and now the Reformed Orthodox Chruch Communists. At this rate the Russian people won't see true democracy till hell freezes over, but then again, there's a segment of them that doesn't want to anyway.
Communists do not exist anymore. It's authoritarianism, of couce it can turn to totalitarism. But it's to early for it.
get on our knees and thank God or Mother Nature that we were born in North America.
Not a whole hell of a lot has changed in Russia. We all need to
get on our knees and thank God or Mother Nature that we were born in North America.
In Russia, the knees get on you!
Not a whole hell of a lot has changed in Russia. We all need to
get on our knees and thank God or Mother Nature that we were born in North America.
The next time someone refers to Stephen Harper as a fascist I shall refer them to this.
What would you figure they'd get here, a few months, commumity service, fines?
For singing in a church? Probably a standing ovation.
WTF is it with the Russians and totalitarian regiemes?
First the Tsars, then the Orthodox Church, then the Communists and now the Reformed Orthodox Chruch Communists. At this rate the Russian people won't see true democracy till hell freezes over, but then again, there's a segment of them that doesn't want to anyway.
Essentially, the Russian govrnment is a partnership of the Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church.
No, Putin is government and Putin is all, even church. Russian Orthodox Church is one of the most idiotic organizations, why? Because there are no other religious organizations who control 30% of vodka trade in country. Money income is better than in most of west companies. Their leader has a watch, which price is 30 000$. For Putin, church is an instrument of good influence. Only because of Putim, Russian people are like crowd of rams. I have few their channels that I watch via cable TV. Their news are very awesome:1) Putin is always shown first. 2) Everything is always good in country. There are no unemployement, army of alcogolics( And now I understand why they drink). There is always psychosis of country wellnes. The biggest country in the world has budget like Holland, which is much smaller with less resource (Hi Brenda
Vladamir Putin, another communist turned tator.
WTF is it with the Russians and totalitarian regiemes?
First the Tsars, then the Orthodox Church, then the Communists and now the Reformed Orthodox Chruch Communists. At this rate the Russian people won't see true democracy till hell freezes over, but then again, there's a segment of them that doesn't want to anyway.
Communists do not exist anymore. It's authoritarianism, of couce it can turn to totalitarism. But it's to early for it.
Vladamir Putin, another communist turned tator.
WTF is it with the Russians and totalitarian regiemes?
They like it that way.