BEIJING — China's state broadcaster isn't saying why the station ran the music to "America the Beautiful" during the gala live broadcast of the country's latest space launch.
"Freakinoldguy" said And why shouldn't they have used America the Beautiful? They probably own the rights to it along with the country it's attached to.
Right now there's probably one lonely state employee trudging his way across the wildnerness heading for exile in Manchuria.
The tune long out dates the "America the Beautiful" lyrics. It would be like a band playing "My Country Tis' of Thee" and people wondering why they would play "God Save the Queen."
Right now there's probably one lonely state employee trudging his way across the wildnerness heading for exile in Manchuria.
And why shouldn't they have used America the Beautiful? They probably own the rights to it along with the country it's attached to.
Right now there's probably one lonely state employee trudging his way across the wildnerness heading for exile in Manchuria.
Funny in a depressing kind of way.