Canadian serial killer Clifford Olson, who had confessed to killing 11 children and youths, died in a Quebec hospital Friday, federal government officials have confirmed.
Its upsetting to think such a piece of shit didn't suffer more. I really hope there is a hell and that prick burns for all eternity in it. Fuck you Clifford.
Good. The monster has finally departed. Fucking took long enough.
Pisses me off the amount of time and money that was wasted keeping this bastard alive. They should have thrown him into general population on day one of his prison sentence.
I'm not sure whether to chalk it up to Canada's lack of mythmaking, or whether it's something to do with our laws about profiting from crime, but Clifford Olsen has so little resonance with me that I don't really feel anything about this. I know who he is and what he did of course, and in a purely abstract kinda way I'm glad he's gone. No doubt the world is a better place without him, but I have no emotional reaction. I think that's a good thing. And that's not in any way meant to denigrate those who do have emotional reactions to this man.
That was fast...
Too fast.
That was fast...
Too fast.
That was what I meant...
My grandma suffered longer, and she was an angel in life...
Pisses me off the amount of time and money that was wasted keeping this bastard alive. They should have thrown him into general population on day one of his prison sentence.