The source of mysterious rumblings that have been troubling residents in the Windsor-Essex area for months are coming from the United States, a Ministry of Environment official said Thursday.
at 9:47 PM ETGiven the number of plant closures in the Windsor/Detroit area the past few years, it's no wonder the residents find the sound of manufacturing a bit peculiar.
What a bunch of wankers to complain about the River Rouge plant that's been where it is for eighty years now. Like they didn't notice the thing when they bought their homes?
In any case, the Obama Administration doesn't care about Canada or Canadians so these folks can either suck it up or move.
"BartSimpson" said What a bunch of wankers to complain about the River Rouge plant that's been where it is for eighty years now. Like they didn't notice the thing when they bought their homes?
About the same thing can be said about the idiots who paid their money to buy their condos next to the main rail lines running through New Westminster, they have been bitching and bellyaching for years now wanting to stop the traffic passing through. As if they didn't have a chance to check out to community before they made their purchase..... Just one of the many stories below:
"Hyack" said About the same thing can be said about the idiots who paid their money to buy their condos next to the main rail lines running through New Westminster, they have been bitching and bellyaching for years now wanting to stop the traffic passing through. As if they didn't have a chance to check out to community before they made their purchase..... Just one of the many stories below:
Happens alot... build a house... ...near a river/stream hurricane alley New Orleans or elsewhere along the southern coast of the US ...on the slope of a volcano ...on a fault line ...near a major highway ...near a nuclear power plant ...underneath a windmill ...near a chicken of pig farm
Bitch when your house flows down the river, is blown away, sinks under water or lava or ground, there's too much noise, you start glowing in the dark or it stinks.
"BartSimpson" said What a bunch of wankers to complain about the River Rouge plant that's been where it is for eighty years now. Like they didn't notice the thing when they bought their homes?
In any case, the Obama Administration doesn't care about Canada or Canadians so these folks can either suck it up or move.
Obama nothing. Detroit mayors for decades didn't give a shit about Windsor residents. Obama wasn't anywhere near Detroit or DC when they built their big ol trash incinerator in the downriver area. Which was upwind from West Windsor.
Obama also wasn't responsible for the new flightpath into Detroit Metro that had commercial airliners flying 2000 ft and less over residential areas in Windsor.
Obama don't care because he probably hasn't even heard about it cuz it's just not a big deal.
at 9:47 PM ETGiven the number of plant closures in the Windsor/Detroit area the past few years, it's no wonder the residents find the sound of manufacturing a bit peculiar.
It's DARPA!!!!!11111oneoneelventyone!1
Make sure that the overmind knows it's me, THX-1158 that reported this...
In any case, the Obama Administration doesn't care about Canada or Canadians so these folks can either suck it up or move.
What a bunch of wankers to complain about the River Rouge plant that's been where it is for eighty years now. Like they didn't notice the thing when they bought their homes?
About the same thing can be said about the idiots who paid their money to buy their condos next to the main rail lines running through New Westminster, they have been bitching and bellyaching for years now wanting to stop the traffic passing through. As if they didn't have a chance to check out to community before they made their purchase.....
About the same thing can be said about the idiots who paid their money to buy their condos next to the main rail lines running through New Westminster, they have been bitching and bellyaching for years now wanting to stop the traffic passing through. As if they didn't have a chance to check out to community before they made their purchase.....
Happens alot... build a house...
...near a river/stream hurricane alley New Orleans or elsewhere along the southern coast of the US
...on the slope of a volcano
...on a fault line
...near a major highway
...near a nuclear power plant
...underneath a windmill
...near a chicken of pig farm
Bitch when your house flows down the river, is blown away, sinks under water or lava or ground, there's too much noise, you start glowing in the dark or it stinks.
What a bunch of wankers to complain about the River Rouge plant that's been where it is for eighty years now. Like they didn't notice the thing when they bought their homes?
In any case, the Obama Administration doesn't care about Canada or Canadians so these folks can either suck it up or move.
Obama nothing. Detroit mayors for decades didn't give a shit about Windsor residents.
Obama wasn't anywhere near Detroit or DC when they built their big ol trash incinerator in the downriver area. Which was upwind from West Windsor.
Obama also wasn't responsible for the new flightpath into Detroit Metro that had commercial airliners flying 2000 ft and less over residential areas in Windsor.
Obama don't care because he probably hasn't even heard about it cuz it's just not a big deal.