If they threw in a couple of squadrons worth of Sea Harriers to go with it I'd consider it a fine addition to the current Canadian navy. But they'd have to submit it to a full inspection first, not like those crappy broken-down subs they sold to Chretien.
Sorry but you can't put a metal price per pound on any warship. This may sound weird but trust me when I say, they're living, breathing entities with memories and feeling.
Much better she be allowed to live out the remainder of her life by being cleaned up and used as an artificial reef or breakwater. At at least this lets her go with some dignity and purpose, which, is more than she'll get from some wrecking yard in Turkey.
Either that or they could sell it to Argentina and then use it for target practice next time the Falklands are invaded.
"Freakinoldguy" said Sorry but you can't put a metal price per pound on any warship. This may sound weird but trust me when I say, they're living, breathing entities with memories and feeling.
Much better she be allowed to live out the remainder of her life by being cleaned up and used as an artificial reef or breakwater. At at least this lets her go with some dignity and purpose, which, is more than she'll get from some wrecking yard in Turkey.
Either that or they could sell it to Argentina and then use it for target practice next time the Falklands are invaded.
You can say the same about a house but we still tear them down.
True, but then again when's the last time your house took you on a tour of the world.
I guess that special bond between a sailor and his ship is because a ships not only you're home, it's part of your country when you're away from home, your main mode of transportation, you employer, you're entertainment and alot of other things I can't think of right of the hop.
But suffice to say that I don't agree with tearing down houses just for the sake of "progress" and am a staunch advocate of heritage building in all means shapes or forms.
"Freakinoldguy" said True, but then again when's the last time your house took you on a tour of the world.
I guess that special bond between a sailor and his ship is because a ships not only you're home, it's part of your country when you're away from home, your main mode of transportation, you employer, you're entertainment and alot of other things I can't think of right of the hop.
But suffice to say that I don't agree with tearing down houses just for the sake of "progress" and am a staunch advocate of heritage building in all means shapes or forms.
What about taking some of the scrap metal, melting it and putting it in new ships so the 'spirit' lives on?
"jeff744" said True, but then again when's the last time your house took you on a tour of the world.
I guess that special bond between a sailor and his ship is because a ships not only you're home, it's part of your country when you're away from home, your main mode of transportation, you employer, you're entertainment and alot of other things I can't think of right of the hop.
But suffice to say that I don't agree with tearing down houses just for the sake of "progress" and am a staunch advocate of heritage building in all means shapes or forms.
What about taking some of the scrap metal, melting it and putting it in new ships so the 'spirit' lives on?
I don't think any of the scap yards do that, but, to solve the problem, maybe the Governments should make it mandatory that to do that.
Then when they start building new ships, all they have to do is go to the archive, pick up the small amount of melted steel from the Original Ship and incorporate in the new ship that bears the same name. Bingo, the old ship lives on with a little more personality than just a shiney new Battle Honour Board and if lucky, a Ships Bell.
But until they do that, you'll probably be shaving with it, having you're meals cooked on it, setting your ass on it while drinking an ale or driving it around, which, isn't exactly what's most old sailors envision as a fitting end for a grand old Lady.
If I had the money, I would buy her.
Scrap price around 400$/ton
8 800 000 $ 4 Million would be a fair price.
Much better she be allowed to live out the remainder of her life by being cleaned up and used as an artificial reef or breakwater. At at least this lets her go with some dignity and purpose, which, is more than she'll get from some wrecking yard in Turkey.
Either that or they could sell it to Argentina and then use it for target practice next time the Falklands are invaded.
Sorry but you can't put a metal price per pound on any warship. This may sound weird but trust me when I say, they're living, breathing entities with memories and feeling.
Much better she be allowed to live out the remainder of her life by being cleaned up and used as an artificial reef or breakwater. At at least this lets her go with some dignity and purpose, which, is more than she'll get from some wrecking yard in Turkey.
Either that or they could sell it to Argentina and then use it for target practice next time the Falklands are invaded.
You can say the same about a house but we still tear them down.
I guess that special bond between a sailor and his ship is because a ships not only you're home, it's part of your country when you're away from home, your main mode of transportation, you employer, you're entertainment and alot of other things I can't think of right of the hop.
But suffice to say that I don't agree with tearing down houses just for the sake of "progress" and am a staunch advocate of heritage building in all means shapes or forms.
True, but then again when's the last time your house took you on a tour of the world.
I guess that special bond between a sailor and his ship is because a ships not only you're home, it's part of your country when you're away from home, your main mode of transportation, you employer, you're entertainment and alot of other things I can't think of right of the hop.
But suffice to say that I don't agree with tearing down houses just for the sake of "progress" and am a staunch advocate of heritage building in all means shapes or forms.
What about taking some of the scrap metal, melting it and putting it in new ships so the 'spirit' lives on?
True, but then again when's the last time your house took you on a tour of the world.
I guess that special bond between a sailor and his ship is because a ships not only you're home, it's part of your country when you're away from home, your main mode of transportation, you employer, you're entertainment and alot of other things I can't think of right of the hop.
But suffice to say that I don't agree with tearing down houses just for the sake of "progress" and am a staunch advocate of heritage building in all means shapes or forms.
What about taking some of the scrap metal, melting it and putting it in new ships so the 'spirit' lives on?
I don't think any of the scap yards do that, but, to solve the problem, maybe the Governments should make it mandatory that to do that.
Then when they start building new ships, all they have to do is go to the archive, pick up the small amount of melted steel from the Original Ship and incorporate in the new ship that bears the same name. Bingo, the old ship lives on with a little more personality than just a shiney new Battle Honour Board and if lucky, a Ships Bell.
But until they do that, you'll probably be shaving with it, having you're meals cooked on it, setting your ass on it while drinking an ale or driving it around, which, isn't exactly what's most old sailors envision as a fitting end for a grand old Lady.