This is a perfect example of why not all people should be allowed to have children. Now I am not saying there needs to be a license introduced to allow people to have children, but something should be done to prevent idiots like this woman from having kids. If your level of patience is so low that you kill your child because he interrupted your stupid f?ing game of Farmville (or whatever else it might be) then you probably shouldn?t have had a child in the first place, you stupid b1tch.
I'm with you, said it for years. The human race in general is pathetic and doomed, the only surprise is that we have lasted this long. Like Slipknot said Poeple=Shit
"jeff744" said Yet another person to give gamers a bad name.
Even calling farmville a game is a stretch. It's SimCity, without the city. Somehow it turns people into zombies, who rearrange their lives around harvest time though. Seems to be working.
Zynga Tops Electronic Arts as Social Games Spread
Zynga, the maker of such games as “FarmVille” and “FrontierVille,” is valued at $5.51 billion, according to SharesPost Inc., an exchange for shares of privately held companies. Electronic Arts, the second-largest game publisher by sales, is worth $5.22 billion on the Nasdaq Stock Market.
Just saying that is fucked up.
Yet another person to give gamers a bad name.
Yet another person who gives mothers/women a bad name.
Yet another person to give gamers a bad name.
Yet another person who gives mothers/women a bad name.
Yet another person that gives humanity a bad name. One day the insects are going to get fed up and take over.
Gee......maybe Desertdude was right.
That stupid woman is in Canada now and hopefully her father or atleast child services are looking after the baby girl. Will see I can get a follow up.
F*ck i hate people
Like Slipknot said Poeple=Shit
Yet another person to give gamers a bad name.
Even calling farmville a game is a stretch. It's SimCity, without the city. Somehow it turns people into zombies, who rearrange their lives around harvest time though. Seems to be working.
Zynga Tops Electronic Arts as Social Games Spread
Gee......maybe Desertdude was right.
That stupid woman is in Canada now and hopefully her father or atleast child services are looking after the baby girl. Will see I can get a follow up.
Stupid isn't the word for it, I don't even think mentally ill covers it. At least the girl is away from her mother that is a good first step.