Ontario's criminal justice system heavily favours police and gives officers breaks at every turn — from the SIU, which hardly ever charges officers, to prosecutors, juries and judges.
Where civilians causing similar damage are typically prosecuted, cop
This mkes me sick to my stomach, it's said cops think they are above the law, this proves that they are...Just sickening.
And it is that attitude of too many Canadians that makes it possible for these cops to escape justice. If the majority of the population thinks that cops are somehow super citizens whose moral imperatives transcend the laws they enforce then, sooner or later, the cops will think so too.
Really? wtf are people thinking? I am not bashing all cops, but that's like saying all priests are good upstanding citizens and we know that not to be true. It would be easy enough for some self-rightous a-hole or high school bully type to become a cop just to have the power to mess with people and get away with it.
The cops are not above the law. THEY ARE THE LAW! And you'd better not forget it.
Re-Spect mah authoritah!
Yep. They're above the law. But remember, only cops in Canada can be trusted with guns because their badges and "training" make them magically superior to the average Canadian.
That old saw is getting old and stale. So let's say anyone of these victims had a gun and used it on the offending officer(s), then what???
Or, maybe some good samaritan would have stopped and shot the offending cop(s)?
Not exactly sure wtf our gun laws have to do with these incidents or how armed citizens could have prevented them.
Yep. They're above the law. But remember, only cops in Canada can be trusted with guns because their badges and "training" make them magically superior to the average Canadian.
That old saw is getting old and stale. So let's say anyone of these victims had a gun and used it on the offending officer(s), then what???
Or, maybe some good samaritan would have stopped and shot the offending cop(s)?
Not exactly sure wtf our gun laws have to do with these incidents or how armed citizens could have prevented them.
Yep. They're above the law. But remember, only cops in Canada can be trusted with guns because their badges and "training" make them magically superior to the average Canadian.
That old saw is getting old and stale. So let's say anyone of these victims had a gun and used it on the offending officer(s), then what???
Or, maybe some good samaritan would have stopped and shot the offending cop(s)?
Not exactly sure wtf our gun laws have to do with these incidents or how armed citizens could have prevented them.
how many angels can dance on the head of a pin!
That's easy. All of 'em
Nothing new really, this happens in lots of places. There are cops here that have killed/seriously injured people with aggressive driving, excessive force, etc, yet in many cases the worst they got was relieved of duties with pay.
This problem is of course the stereotypical bad apple ruining things for everyone else. I honestly think most cops are good, honest people, but it's the ones that make headlines that create a label that sticks to all cops.
Somehow there always seems to be a few whackjobs that sneak through the system, be they alcoholics or control freaks, but as no system is 100% effective, it's to be expected. I agree that cops have a tough job, but IMHO, they should be held to a higher standard than regular joes, simply because we put so much trust in them to do their jobs legally and correctly.
While I have not heard the evidence in the cases mentioned in the article, if accurate, all of them should have had the book thrown at them IMHO.
Nothing new really, this happens in lots of places. There are cops here that have killed/seriously injured people with aggressive driving, excessive force, etc, yet in many cases the worst they got was relieved of duties with pay.
This problem is of course the stereotypical bad apple ruining things for everyone else. I honestly think most cops are good, honest people, but it's the ones that make headlines that create a label that sticks to all cops.
Somehow there always seems to be a few whackjobs that sneak through the system, be they alcoholics or control freaks, but as no system is 100% effective, it's to be expected. I agree that cops have a tough job, but IMHO, they should be held to a higher standard than regular joes, simply because we put so much trust in them to do their jobs legally and correctly.
While I have not heard the evidence in the cases mentioned in the article, if accurate, all of them should have had the book thrown at them IMHO.
If it was only the few bad apples, it wouldn't be a problem. The system would find them and weed them out. The problem is that the rest of the cops close ranks and too often protect these guys, so they don't get weeded out. And then you get cases where the bad cops is kept on the force and does it again, as we've seen in BC a few times. I'm less concerned with these cops walking from the justice system than I am that they remain on the force to repeat their behavior.
He got his job back but it really changed him.
(This is not about police violence or other things near that.)
Yep. They're above the law. But remember, only cops in Canada can be trusted with guns because their badges and "training" make them magically superior to the average Canadian.
And it is that attitude of too many Canadians that makes it possible for these cops to escape justice. If the majority of the population thinks that cops are somehow super citizens whose moral imperatives transcend the laws they enforce then, sooner or later, the cops will think so too.
The answer to that is to fix the state of policing rather than arm the populous.