The Ministry of Defence says it is prepared to intercept a migrant ship, reportedly carrying about 200 suspected Sri Lankan asylum seekers, that is due to arrive on B.C.'s coast in the next few weeks.
Send them home! The more we let in this way the more want and will come. And, Doug Cannon and his liberal pinko collegues are a huge part of the problem.
"Dragom" said If they will treat the wounded they will likely let the ship land and feed them for a few days in a detainment center before sending them back, right?
And the under 18's will be swept into foster care of course?
What planet are you on?
They will all get refugee status like all the other people who cheat and lie their way into Canada.
"herbie" said Give us your pampered, your wealthy, your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Well that certainly doesn't apply - these are not pampered or wealthy. But many of them are doubtless Tamil tigers, and those that aren't are queue jumpers.
If they 'aint queue jumpers why are they jumping the queue?
Sailing to the front of the queue is butting in the line-up.
I'm sure none of them will have real passports and numerous tales of woe that can't be proven similar to the other few million queue jumpers that we have accepted.
Me, I waited 3 years like Brenda. Paid all the fees, went to the doctors for blood work, proved my education etc.
Shoulda just rented a boat with a few other Limeys.
Got this in an email today. It certainly echoes my sentiments!
Subject: This is My Country.....
My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW1, my father watched as his friends died in WW II, and I watched as my countrymen died in Afghanistan.
None of them died for a Foreign Flag.
Everyone died for the Canadian flag.
We removed Christian prayer from our schools as it might offend a minority of students, not of the Christian faith.
It is politically incorrect for Public and Civil Servants to wear anything of a religious nature while serving the public, despite the fact that civil servants are allowed to wear turbans on the job as public or Civil servants. Why? � Because it is against their religion not to wear it.
In fact, our Prime Minister forbade the use of any Christian reference when a memorial service was held on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean near Halifax. The memorial was in remembrance of the 229 people that lost their lives in the September 2, 1998 Swiss Air Flight 111 that crashed. Almost all of the crash victims were Christian.
We have removed any reference to Christianity in our Courts of Law, despite the fact that our laws are based on Christian principles and values.
Bike laws in almost all Canadian Jurisdictions require bike riders to wear safety helmets. You guessed it. � people who are required to wear turbans are exempt because a helmet is not designed to be worn over a turban.
Some ten years ago a Commission was assembled in Ontario (lobbied for by Muslims) to investigate the practicality of allowing Canadians of the Muslim faith to practice Sharia law. The Commission head (a former Attorney General in the Bob Rae NDP Government) presented the Commission findings to the succeeding Provincial Government to allow limited use of Sharia Law for Canadians of the Muslim faith. The recommendation was rejected. � It should never have gone that far and in fact the issue should never have reached a discussion stage, let alone the formation of a commission.
It is politically incorrect to wish our fellow Canadians Merry Christmas.
And the list goes on and on.
Enough is enough.
The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every Canadian; and every Canadian needs to stand up for Canada.
We've bent over to appease the new Canadian immigrants long enough.
I'm taking a stand.
I'm standing up because the tens of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the Canadian flag can't stand up.
If you agree, stand up with me.
If you disagree, then just delete it.
And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.
Let me make this perfectly clear!THIS IS MY COUNTRY! And, because I make This statement DOES NOT Mean I'm against immigration!!!
Welcome! To come through legally:
1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!
3. Get a job!
4. Live By OUR Rules!
5. Pay YOUR Taxes!
6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants
have in the past!!!
7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime
savings of Social Security Funds to you.
If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,
Then YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! When will Canadians STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???
We've gone so far the other way...
bent over backwards not to offend anyone.
But it seems no one cares about the
Canadian CITIZEN
that's being offended!
WAKE UP Canada !!!
If You agree.... Pass this on.
If You don't agree.. Delete It !!!
Agreeing with this is not enough! Our next election is approaching quickly. I, for one, will make a point of finding out just how the politicians that I will have a chance to vote for, stand on immigration Policy, among other things. And, what they plan to do about it, if anything.
Sorry Yogi - you lost me with all the Christian stuff. I don't want to live in a theocracy or one religion state. If you reframe the argument in a way that's open to all and no religions, I would agree with you.
"andyt" said Give us your pampered, your wealthy, your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Well that certainly doesn't apply - these are not pampered or wealthy. But many of them are doubtless Tamil tigers, and those that aren't are queue jumpers.
Not them, us. Many wish it was our new motto. Fine to buy your way in with $1,000,000 investment but they don't want the non-English speaking butt poor. You know, like most of our grandparents....
Not them, us. Many wish it was our new motto. Fine to buy your way in with $1,000,000 investment but they don't want the non-English speaking butt poor. You know, like most of our grandparents....
Oh you know, my grandparents had to wait years, go through extensive medical testing, and then actually had to rely on hard work to make it in Canada. Of course, claiming refugee status after trying to smuggle themselves into Canada skips most of those procedures.
But yes, all those poor "immigrants". Sure we have no idea if they're former Tamil Tigers, or criminals, or with potential medical conditions and diseases. And who cares if they might not have any skills, or even a desire to work and adapt to Canada. Sure they might be potential security threats, use whatever money they make, or are given to them, to fund paramilitary and terrorist groups back home, because they're somehow related to our grandparents who worked and paid their asses off to just get into Canada.
"herbie" said Give us your pampered, your wealthy, your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Well that certainly doesn't apply - these are not pampered or wealthy. But many of them are doubtless Tamil tigers, and those that aren't are queue jumpers.
Not them, us. Many wish it was our new motto. Fine to buy your way in with $1,000,000 investment but they don't want the non-English speaking butt poor. You know, like most of our grandparents.... Ya know, like most our of grandparents that did their best to learn the language, get a job, and contibute you mean?
I have no problem with non-English speaking butt poor people coming here to try and make a better life. I do however, have an issue when some of these people are still butt poor and speak NO English after being here for 10 years because they have no intention of doing anything more than sucking off the system.
Is the immigration situation seriously so messed up ? I've been looking seriously into Canadian immigration and I find the procedures very strict as to who can and who can't qualify. Fortunately I do.
So what I don't understand even if such strict entry procedures is there really such big problem with illegal immigration.
Although I have heard off and know off some people who have spent a great number of years in a countries like the US, UK and some European countries, without even being able to have basic communication in the language of the country they have stayed in. Which I find really hard to fathom as how such a person even survived there let alone etched out a decent living.
But most of the cases I'm talking about are people who moved during the 60's, 70's and even up till the 80's. Because during the early 90's I had become quite aware immigration to countries like the US and UK because of thinking of going to college there and even then it was quite strict even as a student. I know a few who got rejected even though they had family in the US.
Anyways from reading here on the forums seems like moving to Canada is a breeze in the park, but from where I stand it its one of the longest and toughest thing to get. And many who have applied are still waiting for a answer years after they have applied. Many have just given up on the idea as they just can't put their life on hold waiting for an outcome.
Some have gotten the go ahead but their situation has changed since they applied. for some it got better. Bussiness started doing well and the whole idea of starting from scratch with there family in a far away land did'nt look so appealing after all.
For some it got bad and they no longer could afford to anymore. I'm just saying what mostly I've seen and some of what I've heard.
I think there are very good candidates for migration to Canada. And if Canada really wants "good" migrants it needs to bring about changes in the application process. Currently the waiting time is just too long and not streamlined enough.
You send in a detail application. Then wait for a few months. Then they ask you for suppourting documents, then wait another few months hopefully you sent it everything correctly and there isn't another call back for more documents. This additional step adds another few months. Hopefully you wont be called in for a interview as this sometimes can take forever as they will wait to get enough candidates to interview. After that you need to send in your medicals add another few months. Then finally they ask for your passport you guessed it add another few months.
It is getting better though from the previous 3 to 5 years wait now to only 1 to 1 and a half year. But still from where I stand I don't see moving to Canada as the easiest thing to do. I could be wrong the ground realities could be different.
And the under 18's will be swept into foster care of course?
If they will treat the wounded they will likely let the ship land and feed them for a few days in a detainment center before sending them back, right?
And the under 18's will be swept into foster care of course?
What planet are you on?
They will all get refugee status like all the other people who cheat and lie their way into Canada.
And there is nothing we can do about it.
Fremde, etranger, stranger.
Gluklich zu sehen, je suis enchante,
Happy to see you, bleibe, reste, stay.
Willkommen, bienvenue, welcome
Im Cabaret, au Cabaret, to Cabaret
your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Give us your pampered, your wealthy,
your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Well that certainly doesn't apply - these are not pampered or wealthy. But many of them are doubtless Tamil tigers, and those that aren't are queue jumpers.
Sailing to the front of the queue is butting in the line-up.
I'm sure none of them will have real passports and numerous tales of woe that can't be proven similar to the other few million queue jumpers that we have accepted.
Me, I waited 3 years like Brenda. Paid all the fees, went to the doctors for blood work, proved my education etc.
Shoulda just rented a boat with a few other Limeys.
Subject: This is My Country.....
My grandfather watched as his friends died in WW1, my father watched as his friends died in WW II, and I watched as my countrymen died in Afghanistan.
None of them died for a Foreign Flag.
Everyone died for the Canadian flag.
We removed Christian prayer from our schools as it might offend a minority of students, not of the Christian faith.
It is politically incorrect for Public and Civil Servants to wear anything of a religious nature while serving the public, despite the fact that civil servants are allowed to wear turbans on the job as public or Civil servants. Why? � Because it is against their religion not to wear it.
In fact, our Prime Minister forbade the use of any Christian reference when a memorial service was held on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean near Halifax. The memorial was in remembrance of the 229 people that lost their lives in the September 2, 1998 Swiss Air Flight 111 that crashed. Almost all of the crash victims were Christian.
We have removed any reference to Christianity in our Courts of Law, despite the fact that our laws are based on Christian principles and values.
Bike laws in almost all Canadian Jurisdictions require bike riders to wear safety helmets. You guessed it. � people who are required to wear turbans are exempt because a helmet is not designed to be worn over a turban.
Some ten years ago a Commission was assembled in Ontario (lobbied for by Muslims) to investigate the practicality of allowing Canadians of the Muslim faith to practice Sharia law. The Commission head (a former Attorney General in the Bob Rae NDP Government) presented the Commission findings to the succeeding Provincial Government to allow limited use of Sharia Law for Canadians of the Muslim faith. The recommendation was rejected. � It should never have gone that far and in fact the issue should never have reached a discussion stage, let alone the formation of a commission.
It is politically incorrect to wish our fellow Canadians Merry Christmas.
And the list goes on and on.
Enough is enough.
The below e-mail message needs to be viewed by every Canadian; and every Canadian needs to stand up for Canada.
We've bent over to appease the new Canadian immigrants long enough.
I'm taking a stand.
I'm standing up because the tens of thousands who died fighting in wars for this country, and for the Canadian flag can't stand up.
If you agree, stand up with me.
If you disagree, then just delete it.
And shame on anyone who tries to make this a racist message.
Let me make this perfectly clear!THIS IS MY COUNTRY!
And, because I make This statement
Mean I'm against immigration!!!
Welcome! To come through legally:
1. Get a sponsor!
2. Get a place to lay your head!
3. Get a job!
4. Live By OUR Rules!
5. Pay YOUR Taxes!
6. Learn the LANGUAGE like immigrants
have in the past!!!
7. Please don't demand that we hand over our lifetime
savings of Social Security Funds to you.
If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone,
When will Canadians STOP giving away THEIR RIGHTS???
We've gone so far the other way...
bent over backwards not to offend anyone.
But it seems no one cares about the
Canadian CITIZEN
that's being offended!
WAKE UP Canada !!!
If You agree.... Pass this on.
If You don't agree.. Delete It !!!
Agreeing with this is not enough! Our next election is approaching quickly. I, for one, will make a point of finding out just how the politicians that I will have a chance to vote for, stand on immigration Policy, among other things. And, what they plan to do about it, if anything.
Give us your pampered, your wealthy,
your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Well that certainly doesn't apply - these are not pampered or wealthy. But many of them are doubtless Tamil tigers, and those that aren't are queue jumpers.
Not them, us. Many wish it was our new motto. Fine to buy your way in with $1,000,000 investment but they don't want the non-English speaking butt poor.
You know, like most of our grandparents....
Not them, us. Many wish it was our new motto. Fine to buy your way in with $1,000,000 investment but they don't want the non-English speaking butt poor.
You know, like most of our grandparents....
Oh you know, my grandparents had to wait years, go through extensive medical testing, and then actually had to rely on hard work to make it in Canada. Of course, claiming refugee status after trying to smuggle themselves into Canada skips most of those procedures.
But yes, all those poor "immigrants". Sure we have no idea if they're former Tamil Tigers, or criminals, or with potential medical conditions and diseases. And who cares if they might not have any skills, or even a desire to work and adapt to Canada. Sure they might be potential security threats, use whatever money they make, or are given to them, to fund paramilitary and terrorist groups back home, because they're somehow related to our grandparents who worked and paid their asses off to just get into Canada.
Give us your pampered, your wealthy,
your over-priviliged asses yearning to breathe for a fee....
Well that certainly doesn't apply - these are not pampered or wealthy. But many of them are doubtless Tamil tigers, and those that aren't are queue jumpers.
Not them, us. Many wish it was our new motto. Fine to buy your way in with $1,000,000 investment but they don't want the non-English speaking butt poor.
You know, like most of our grandparents....
Ya know, like most our of grandparents that did their best to learn the language, get a job, and contibute you mean?
I have no problem with non-English speaking butt poor people coming here to try and make a better life. I do however, have an issue when some of these people are still butt poor and speak NO English after being here for 10 years because they have no intention of doing anything more than sucking off the system.
So what I don't understand even if such strict entry procedures is there really such big problem with illegal immigration.
Although I have heard off and know off some people who have spent a great number of years in a countries like the US, UK and some European countries, without even being able to have basic communication in the language of the country they have stayed in. Which I find really hard to fathom as how such a person even survived there let alone etched out a decent living.
But most of the cases I'm talking about are people who moved during the 60's, 70's and even up till the 80's. Because during the early 90's I had become quite aware immigration to countries like the US and UK because of thinking of going to college there and even then it was quite strict even as a student. I know a few who got rejected even though they had family in the US.
Anyways from reading here on the forums seems like moving to Canada is a breeze in the park, but from where I stand it its one of the longest and toughest thing to get. And many who have applied are still waiting for a answer years after they have applied. Many have just given up on the idea as they just can't put their life on hold waiting for an outcome.
Some have gotten the go ahead but their situation has changed since they applied. for some it got better. Bussiness started doing well and the whole idea of starting from scratch with there family in a far away land did'nt look so appealing after all.
For some it got bad and they no longer could afford to anymore. I'm just saying what mostly I've seen and some of what I've heard.
I think there are very good candidates for migration to Canada. And if Canada really wants "good" migrants it needs to bring about changes in the application process. Currently the waiting time is just too long and not streamlined enough.
You send in a detail application. Then wait for a few months. Then they ask you for suppourting documents, then wait another few months hopefully you sent it everything correctly and there isn't another call back for more documents. This additional step adds another few months. Hopefully you wont be called in for a interview as this sometimes can take forever as they will wait to get enough candidates to interview. After that you need to send in your medicals add another few months. Then finally they ask for your passport you guessed it add another few months.
It is getting better though from the previous 3 to 5 years wait now to only 1 to 1 and a half year. But still from where I stand I don't see moving to Canada as the easiest thing to do. I could be wrong the ground realities could be different.