In The Netherlands, there is something called "leerplicht", which means you have to go to school full-time until you are 16 years old. Home schooling is not allowed. When she is on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic, alone, she won't be able to go to school now, will she...
She took first aid courses, learning to suture her own wounds, put out onboard fires and cope with sleep deprivation.
Hope she took a course on how to face death because if any of the above happen she's doomed. Reading about how to put out a fire isn't the same thing as actually putting out a fire. A 14 year old isn't prepared to cope with sleep deprivation. One mistake out in the big blue and you're fish food.
Or perhaps its better to talk about how far the government should interfere with peoples' lives.
When she is on a boat in the middle of the Atlantic, alone, she won't be able to go to school now, will she...
This was stupid when the American kid did it and it's still stupid.
Hope she took a course on how to face death because if any of the above happen she's doomed. Reading about how to put out a fire isn't the same thing as actually putting out a fire. A 14 year old isn't prepared to cope with sleep deprivation. One mistake out in the big blue and you're fish food.