The Chinese Navy will hold six-day military drills in the South China Sea from Wednesday, allegedly in response to planned U.S.-South Korean exercises in the Yellow Sea, local media reported on Tuesday.
This is just China making a point that we are here do and we have a navy as well. Eventually the American and Chinese navy will stop playing nice-nice and there will be some serious situations occuring. Possible concerning Artic access/mineral rights.
I'll be more impressed when they can do that thousands of miles from their coast, not a hundred or two. This is just further proof that PLAN is still mostly a coastal force.
The U.S. Navy is the largest in the world; its battle fleet tonnage is greater than that of the next 13 largest navies combined. So China has jack on the USA
I'll be more impressed when they can do that thousands of miles from their coast, not a hundred or two. This is just further proof that PLAN is still mostly a coastal force.
That alone is why China is no real threat if you have the convienience of an ocean buffer. On the other hand, any nation that shares a land border with them might have something to worry about.
"GreenTiger" said The Chinese can still cause mischief. I'm concerned about their BS ascertain that they are entitled to 20% of Arctic everything.
They don't have the means to enforce their so called "right" to 20% of the Arctic. Four of the five who have direct interests there are NATO powers, and Russia won't take any crap from China.
I would love to see China trying to argue to the Russians about their "20% right" to the Russians. Putin would put him foot on their throats so fast; the Chinese know this so nothing happen.
I'll be more impressed when they can do that thousands of miles from their coast, not a hundred or two. This is just further proof that PLAN is still mostly a coastal force.
Big deal.
I'll be more impressed when they can do that thousands of miles from their coast, not a hundred or two. This is just further proof that PLAN is still mostly a coastal force.
That alone is why China is no real threat if you have the convienience of an ocean buffer. On the other hand, any nation that shares a land border with them might have something to worry about.
The Chinese can still cause mischief. I'm concerned about their BS ascertain that they are entitled to 20% of Arctic everything.
They don't have the means to enforce their so called "right" to 20% of the Arctic. Four of the five who have direct interests there are NATO powers, and Russia won't take any crap from China.
China going after the Arctic may well result in Russia finally joining NATO.
That would cause several old Generals and Admirals to choke.