In the house of the broken-hearted the Polish ambassador is standing in the foyer waiting for the prime minister of Canada to arrive and sign the book of condolence.
While it does seem 'ironic', doing that would only inflame the masses. Poland is no pushover and no "GEORGIA" with military might and Poland is a part of NATO. With the U.S peace keeping over the glove, look to them to turn a blind eye with people actually capable of fighting and look the other way.
The only evil that was on board there, was the pilot. The only evil that was on the ground, was the fog. The combination of the 2 turned out to be deadly.
I have to agree with the Polish people. Being of partial Polish descent myself, and knowing full well of the histoy between Poland and Russia, and my own personal dealings with 'Canadians' of Russian descent, the answer is clear. Russians are NOT to be trusted, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were behind this tragedy.
"Jeszcze Polska nie zgin??a, Kiedy my ?yjemy. Co nam obca przemoc wzi??a, Szabl? odbierzemy..."
"GreenTiger" said The Russians have no interest in attacking Poland at this point and my family is almast all Polish.
If anybody had an evil hand in this it would probably be al-Quada or some other F up Islamic group wanting to cause trouble.
What would be a better way than to to revive an old thnic/nationalistic feud.
You give AQ too much credit.
As for Russia, of course they don't plan to invade or anything overt. They have their hands in the politics and elections of all the former block countries trying to mess with them. Most of the stuff never even hits the news. Now did they do this? Possible, with them one can't rule it out. They did kill that former spy / double agent in the UK a few years back and nearly infected half of London doing it. SO they are not beyond stupid obvious things no one can firmly nail them for.
However I'm still on the side of NO on this one, at the moment.
"xerxes" said It's stupid, but there's a lot of historical precedent for the Poles to be suspicious of Russia.
Indeed. The airplane that crashed in Russia and killed the Polish leadership was on it's way to memorialize the Katyn Forest Massacre...which was the last time the Polish leadership was killed in Russia.
Given that the Russians, including Putin, have been very open about wanting to retake the former Soviet Empire (which includes Poland) the Poles have some valid reasons to be suspicious of what has happened.
And that was only the most recent incident. It's a mena thing to say buyt historically, Poland has been the battered wife of Europe and Russia has been responsible for its fair share of the abuse.
Russia Guilty.
This reminds me of President Bush and Salem bin Laden (Osama's Brother) when they were business partners in Arbusto Energy.
Suddenly Salem bin Laden plane took a nose dive as it left the airport killing everyone on board. Bush was the beneficiary of that incident...
Later Osama attacks the USA when Bush was elected.
Coincidence ??
If anybody had an evil hand in this it would probably be al-Quada or some other F up Islamic group wanting to cause trouble.
What would be a better way than to to revive an old thnic/nationalistic feud.
I mean, that they are supsicious, doesnt mean they are right and the Russians did it.
"Jeszcze Polska nie zgin??a,
Kiedy my ?yjemy.
Co nam obca przemoc wzi??a,
Szabl? odbierzemy..."
The Russians have no interest in attacking Poland at this point and my family is almast all Polish.
If anybody had an evil hand in this it would probably be al-Quada or some other F up Islamic group wanting to cause trouble.
What would be a better way than to to revive an old thnic/nationalistic feud.
You give AQ too much credit.
As for Russia, of course they don't plan to invade or anything overt. They have their hands in the politics and elections of all the former block countries trying to mess with them. Most of the stuff never even hits the news. Now did they do this? Possible, with them one can't rule it out. They did kill that former spy / double agent in the UK a few years back and nearly infected half of London doing it. SO they are not beyond stupid obvious things no one can firmly nail them for.
However I'm still on the side of NO on this one, at the moment.
It's stupid, but there's a lot of historical precedent for the Poles to be suspicious of Russia.
Indeed. The airplane that crashed in Russia and killed the Polish leadership was on it's way to memorialize the Katyn Forest Massacre...which was the last time the Polish leadership was killed in Russia.
Given that the Russians, including Putin, have been very open about wanting to retake the former Soviet Empire (which includes Poland) the Poles have some valid reasons to be suspicious of what has happened.