A top Russian official demanded that all child adoptions by U.S. families be frozen Friday after a woman from Tennessee shipped her 7-year-old adopted Russian grandson on a one-way flight back to Moscow all alone.
Some people adopt kids like getting a dog from a pound. There is way too much of this type of thing. This women and her mother should both be sentenced to time in jail for child abuse, abandonment and neglect.
Maybe the single mother should have put a little more thought into it before ordering a mail-order child from Russia. And now she thinks she can return him for store credit because it didn't work out and the salesman mislead her. A kid is not a fashion accessory. Why the fuck would a single woman who lives with her mother want to adopt a kid anyway?
Why? It doenst take a rocket scientist to realize that a single woman living with her mother is going to face some challenges in the first 6 months with a 7 yr old that she basically 'bought' from a Russian orphanage. This kid's a human being, you can't just stamp 'return to sender' on his forehead and mail him home because you're a wanna-be mommy who got in way over her head. Kids are not an impulse purchase item, she probably shouldn't have been allowed to adopt in the first place. To hell with her.
"gonavy47" said Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
"Dayseed" said Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
"Dayseed" said Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two. I'm not getting anything from the story that says the child was related in any way to either of 'em. Hansen was the grandmother to the child through adoption, not blood. Either that or I'm really missing something here, which isn't to say I'm not, considering I got fuck for sleep last night
"Dayseed" said Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
A top Russian official demanded that all child adoptions by U.S. families be frozen Friday after a woman from Tennessee shipped her 7-year-old adopted Russian grandson on a one-way flight back to Moscow all alone.
Me thinks it's you who's reading is sloppy. He was her grandson, ie because her daughter adopted the boy, he becomes her grandson at that point.
Lots of adoptive children show behavioral problems, especially when adopted at later ages and who have previously been abused or neglected. Imagine what's going on for this kid, being taken to a totally different country, where he doesn't speak the language. Adoptive parents need to go into these things with their eyes open, which many don't. But, it's also quite likely the adopting agency presented the boy in a better light than deserved - no way the severity of these problems just sprang up overnight. Maybe in Russia he didn't act up because they would beat the shit out of him if he did. In the USA he finally felt safe to show his distress.
I don't know what the answer is here. Probably would have been better if mom had a husband around, might have had a different influence on the boy. But if he's that out of control at 7, if he had stayed in the US, he would have soon got caught up in their lovely legal system that charges 12 year olds as adults and executes teenagers - retarded teenagers even. OTOH, I doubt his future is much brighter in Russia either, unless he can get on being one of Putin's goons or something. Very sad story all around.
"Dayseed" said No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent".
Nope, looks like you're jumping the gun and hiding your lack of homework with criticism of others, once more. As already mentioned, there is nothing to indicate this kid is the blood relation of any of the Americans. READ IT AGAIN: He has no US citizenship and came from an orphange in Russia. The grandmother is the adoptive grandmother, not the biological parent. Regardless of circumstances, shoving a 7 yr old on a plane to Russia with a note is not acceptable. Now piss off and stop trying to send every thread to the flame dumpster.
Moving on...
I have no doubt that the kid has personal problems. Even a normal kid would have difficulty adjusting and six months is a pretty short time to give up on somebody trying to adjust. As already mentioned, he's older, raised in an orphanage and taken away to a foreign country. What did this broad think she was getting herself into anyway? Like Russian orphanages are full of perfect angels who easily adapt to living with stangers in foreign lands? That Russia and its overburdened social services are some bastion of honesty? How many W5 and Dateline episodes have been done on the shady world of overseas adoption? I know I have seen several over the years.
"BeaverFever" said Nope, looks like you're jumping the gun and hiding your lack of homework with criticism of others, once more. As already mentioned, there is nothing to indicate this kid is the blood relation of any of the Americans. READ IT AGAIN: He has no US citizenship and came from an orphange in Russia. The grandmother is the adoptive grandmother, not the biological parent. Regardless of circumstances, shoving a 7 yr old on a plane to Russia with a note is not acceptable. Now piss off and stop trying to send every thread to the flame dumpster.
If I could include the sound of clapping, I would.
Do you finally get my point about you? Did you read my "mistakes" about the grandmother, the mother and the Russian boy and spot me an "oopsie" doodle? No, you went to the facts and you drilled hard about it.
Think about this in your little head for a moment. Now, picture me saying that it was a "production error" or I meant to say non-biological adoptive mother but instead accidently typed "grandmother" because I'm listening to bootlegged Soundgarden MP3s but its all okay, because I took a course in comparative genealogy so I know what I'm talking about. Or what if I said that the grandmother is still a mother because grandmother has the word "mother" in it so she's still the adoptive mother?
"Dayseed" said Nope, looks like you're jumping the gun and hiding your lack of homework with criticism of others, once more. As already mentioned, there is nothing to indicate this kid is the blood relation of any of the Americans. READ IT AGAIN: He has no US citizenship and came from an orphange in Russia. The grandmother is the adoptive grandmother, not the biological parent. Regardless of circumstances, shoving a 7 yr old on a plane to Russia with a note is not acceptable. Now piss off and stop trying to send every thread to the flame dumpster.
If I could include the sound of clapping, I would.
Do you finally get my point about you? Did you read my "mistakes" about the grandmother, the mother and the Russian boy and spot me an "oopsie" doodle? No, you went to the facts and you drilled hard about it.
Think about this in your little head for a moment. Now, picture me saying that it was a "production error" or I meant to say non-biological adoptive mother but instead accidently typed "grandmother" because I'm listening to bootlegged Soundgarden MP3s but its all okay, because I took a course in comparative genealogy so I know what I'm talking about. Or what if I said that the grandmother is still a mother because grandmother has the word "mother" in it so she's still the adoptive mother?
It's ridiculous. Seriously, this is a "WTF???" story. Some people just should not be able to even think about reproducing or taking care of other peoples kids. Unbef*ckinglievable.
Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
I'm not getting anything from the story that says the child was related in any way to either of 'em. Hansen was the grandmother to the child through adoption, not blood.
Either that or I'm really missing something here, which isn't to say I'm not, considering I got fuck for sleep last night
Just wondering if you guys read the whole story?
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent". The grandmother happened to live with her daughter.
Saying the child didn't work out is an apparent understatement, if the grandmother's claims are true about mental instability, including the arsonist death threats from the child.
But sloppy research is par for the course for those two.
Me thinks it's you who's reading is sloppy. He was her grandson, ie because her daughter adopted the boy, he becomes her grandson at that point.
Lots of adoptive children show behavioral problems, especially when adopted at later ages and who have previously been abused or neglected. Imagine what's going on for this kid, being taken to a totally different country, where he doesn't speak the language. Adoptive parents need to go into these things with their eyes open, which many don't. But, it's also quite likely the adopting agency presented the boy in a better light than deserved - no way the severity of these problems just sprang up overnight. Maybe in Russia he didn't act up because they would beat the shit out of him if he did. In the USA he finally felt safe to show his distress.
I don't know what the answer is here. Probably would have been better if mom had a husband around, might have had a different influence on the boy. But if he's that out of control at 7, if he had stayed in the US, he would have soon got caught up in their lovely legal system that charges 12 year olds as adults and executes teenagers - retarded teenagers even. OTOH, I doubt his future is much brighter in Russia either, unless he can get on being one of Putin's goons or something. Very sad story all around.
No, apparently the two posters above you simply read the headline and judged it from there. Had they done their homework, they'd realize it wasn't a random Russian "fashion accessory", but was the grandchild of the adoptive "parent".
Nope, looks like you're jumping the gun and hiding your lack of homework with criticism of others, once more. As already mentioned, there is nothing to indicate this kid is the blood relation of any of the Americans. READ IT AGAIN: He has no US citizenship and came from an orphange in Russia. The grandmother is the adoptive grandmother, not the biological parent. Regardless of circumstances, shoving a 7 yr old on a plane to Russia with a note is not acceptable. Now piss off and stop trying to send every thread to the flame dumpster.
Moving on...
I have no doubt that the kid has personal problems. Even a normal kid would have difficulty adjusting and six months is a pretty short time to give up on somebody trying to adjust. As already mentioned, he's older, raised in an orphanage and taken away to a foreign country. What did this broad think she was getting herself into anyway? Like Russian orphanages are full of perfect angels who easily adapt to living with stangers in foreign lands? That Russia and its overburdened social services are some bastion of honesty? How many W5 and Dateline episodes have been done on the shady world of overseas adoption? I know I have seen several over the years.
Nope, looks like you're jumping the gun and hiding your lack of homework with criticism of others, once more. As already mentioned, there is nothing to indicate this kid is the blood relation of any of the Americans. READ IT AGAIN: He has no US citizenship and came from an orphange in Russia. The grandmother is the adoptive grandmother, not the biological parent. Regardless of circumstances, shoving a 7 yr old on a plane to Russia with a note is not acceptable. Now piss off and stop trying to send every thread to the flame dumpster.
If I could include the sound of clapping, I would.
Do you finally get my point about you? Did you read my "mistakes" about the grandmother, the mother and the Russian boy and spot me an "oopsie" doodle? No, you went to the facts and you drilled hard about it.
Think about this in your little head for a moment. Now, picture me saying that it was a "production error" or I meant to say non-biological adoptive mother but instead accidently typed "grandmother" because I'm listening to bootlegged Soundgarden MP3s but its all okay, because I took a course in comparative genealogy so I know what I'm talking about. Or what if I said that the grandmother is still a mother because grandmother has the word "mother" in it so she's still the adoptive mother?
Let's see if you finally get it.
Nope, looks like you're jumping the gun and hiding your lack of homework with criticism of others, once more. As already mentioned, there is nothing to indicate this kid is the blood relation of any of the Americans. READ IT AGAIN: He has no US citizenship and came from an orphange in Russia. The grandmother is the adoptive grandmother, not the biological parent. Regardless of circumstances, shoving a 7 yr old on a plane to Russia with a note is not acceptable. Now piss off and stop trying to send every thread to the flame dumpster.
If I could include the sound of clapping, I would.
Do you finally get my point about you? Did you read my "mistakes" about the grandmother, the mother and the Russian boy and spot me an "oopsie" doodle? No, you went to the facts and you drilled hard about it.
Think about this in your little head for a moment. Now, picture me saying that it was a "production error" or I meant to say non-biological adoptive mother but instead accidently typed "grandmother" because I'm listening to bootlegged Soundgarden MP3s but its all okay, because I took a course in comparative genealogy so I know what I'm talking about. Or what if I said that the grandmother is still a mother because grandmother has the word "mother" in it so she's still the adoptive mother?
Let's see if you finally get it.
Hook, line and sinker. Live by the sword...
And then people make up excuses for her. Wow...