is starting to take-off, 240 members registered now and lots of new issues and discussion going on. Some of the voting is imbalanced right now though, I think. There was an influx of new users from links posted on Autism blogs and Right-wing forums, so some of the priorities reflect that.
But its nice to see the site start to be actively used, hopefully more people will join to further broaden the range of opinions.
"Canadian_Mind" said Heh, edorsed it all save for EI reform and abolution of the penny.
Preference polls conducted through the internet are subject to being hijacked. Last year the CBC went through a similar exercise to determine the "top issues" for Canadians. The conservative discussion group Free Dominion made sure enough people opposed to abortion voted to ensure that fetal rights became the number 1 issue.
The basic question is: are the topics voted on reflective of the priorities of Canadians?
What they should do is include a check-list of sorts along the same lines to be submitted with each and every tax return. It should be worth noting that every body is legally allowed to submit a tax return even if you have no income.
By doing it this way you are taking into account pretty much the entire voting public and ensure that there is a minimal amount of fraud. As it is, internet polls like this make for interesting debates but are very far down on the list of credibility as of yet.
"DerbyX" said What they should do is include a check-list of sorts along the same lines to be submitted with each and every tax return. It should be worth noting that every body is legally allowed to submit a tax return even if you have no income.
By doing it this way you are taking into account pretty much the entire voting public and ensure that there is a minimal amount of fraud. As it is, internet polls like this make for interesting debates but are very far down on the list of credibility as of yet.
Without incurring the cost of a referendum you would need a system that would ensure you would only vote once. If not by tax returns, an internet poll where you have to enter your SIN number?
"leewgrant" said What they should do is include a check-list of sorts along the same lines to be submitted with each and every tax return. It should be worth noting that every body is legally allowed to submit a tax return even if you have no income.
By doing it this way you are taking into account pretty much the entire voting public and ensure that there is a minimal amount of fraud. As it is, internet polls like this make for interesting debates but are very far down on the list of credibility as of yet.
Without incurring the cost of a referendum you would need a system that would ensure you would only vote once. If not by tax returns, an internet poll where you have to enter your SIN number?
Thats the idea behind putting the check list with tax returns. People only fill out one tax return right?
Even having people submit their SIN number for an online poll isn't a surety against vote irregularities. I'm sure people can simply start with their own number and then vote a whole bunch of times just by adding 1 each time. Now you might tie it in with a valid name and nip that in the bud but who knows.
We might also have a checklist that gets submitted whenever we vote. They check your ID and voters list and when they do you submit your form into a secured box. Lots of good ideas that would allow us to tell the government how we want them to govern.
the really problem might be the fact that we'll end up with lots of people with no clue in the least demanding no taxes but more services and then getting mad when they don't get it (because they are asking for an unreasonable thing).
"DerbyX" said Even having people submit their SIN number for an online poll isn't a surety against vote irregularities. I'm sure people can simply start with their own number and then vote a whole bunch of times just by adding 1 each time. Now you might tie it in with a valid name and nip that in the bud but who knows.
The tax return might be a better idea but you can't just add 1 to your SIN. There is a control system that prevents you from arbitrarily creating a SIN number.
Also the system could be programmed to only accept SIN numbers that have been issued.
But its nice to see the site start to be actively used, hopefully more people will join to further broaden the range of opinions.
Heh, edorsed it all save for EI reform and abolution of the penny.
Preference polls conducted through the internet are subject to being hijacked. Last year the CBC went through a similar exercise to determine the "top issues" for Canadians. The conservative discussion group Free Dominion made sure enough people opposed to abortion voted to ensure that fetal rights became the number 1 issue.
The basic question is: are the topics voted on reflective of the priorities of Canadians?
By doing it this way you are taking into account pretty much the entire voting public and ensure that there is a minimal amount of fraud. As it is, internet polls like this make for interesting debates but are very far down on the list of credibility as of yet.
What they should do is include a check-list of sorts along the same lines to be submitted with each and every tax return. It should be worth noting that every body is legally allowed to submit a tax return even if you have no income.
By doing it this way you are taking into account pretty much the entire voting public and ensure that there is a minimal amount of fraud. As it is, internet polls like this make for interesting debates but are very far down on the list of credibility as of yet.
Without incurring the cost of a referendum you would need a system that would ensure you would only vote once. If not by tax returns, an internet poll where you have to enter your SIN number?
What they should do is include a check-list of sorts along the same lines to be submitted with each and every tax return. It should be worth noting that every body is legally allowed to submit a tax return even if you have no income.
By doing it this way you are taking into account pretty much the entire voting public and ensure that there is a minimal amount of fraud. As it is, internet polls like this make for interesting debates but are very far down on the list of credibility as of yet.
Without incurring the cost of a referendum you would need a system that would ensure you would only vote once. If not by tax returns, an internet poll where you have to enter your SIN number?
Thats the idea behind putting the check list with tax returns. People only fill out one tax return right?
Even having people submit their SIN number for an online poll isn't a surety against vote irregularities. I'm sure people can simply start with their own number and then vote a whole bunch of times just by adding 1 each time. Now you might tie it in with a valid name and nip that in the bud but who knows.
We might also have a checklist that gets submitted whenever we vote. They check your ID and voters list and when they do you submit your form into a secured box.
Lots of good ideas that would allow us to tell the government how we want them to govern.
the really problem might be the fact that we'll end up with lots of people with no clue in the least demanding no taxes but more services and then getting mad when they don't get it (because they are asking for an unreasonable thing).
Even having people submit their SIN number for an online poll isn't a surety against vote irregularities. I'm sure people can simply start with their own number and then vote a whole bunch of times just by adding 1 each time. Now you might tie it in with a valid name and nip that in the bud but who knows.
The tax return might be a better idea but you can't just add 1 to your SIN. There is a control system that prevents you from arbitrarily creating a SIN number.
Also the system could be programmed to only accept SIN numbers that have been issued.