It may be the same car but it's a entire different story. The other topic was about this car being low emission but is banned from being drove in Canada.
This story is talking about the same car but also a new cutting-edge battery technology that will make it highway-capable. Filling out that flaw it had before which was that it was low-speed and short-ranged which wouldn't handle well on the highways and high-speed zones.
Hmm, a manufacturer who claims a "miracle breakthrough, in a product but won't say what the breakthrough is or how it works in order to open it up to peer scrutiny. Either it's a scam or the company has never heard of a patent. Thanks, but I think I'll let some other sucker buy a Zenn to see the claims are true before giving it a second look.
This story is talking about the same car but also a new cutting-edge battery technology that will make it highway-capable. Filling out that flaw it had before which was that it was low-speed and short-ranged which wouldn't handle well on the highways and high-speed zones.