Ignatieff will deliver an off-the-record keynote address on Afghanistan on Thursday to an exlusive group of U.S. policymakers that includes Richard Holbrooke, the president 's special envoy to Pakistan and Afghanistan, Liberal insiders say. Comments
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....said one senior Liberal.
This whole story is BS.
"America is our neighbor, not our nation"
When's he going to tell Canadians what he's planning instead of telling his old US friends?
They'll have some beers, chat about first strike and maybe waterboard some foreigners.
Just like back in school.
maybe that's why he dosen't want the Canadian media there.
Maybe they plan on keeping up that winning plan.
hmmm guess they would like stevie to take a walk....in the snow.. bout time
Iggy wants to ride Obama's coattails to victory.
Not impressed.
This will be a boon for the Liberals. Anyone who can tag along to Obama's popularity rocket ride will reap benefits. The Liberals are clearly trying to tie their fortunes to thoise of Obama. They'll probably try to tie Harper to those of George W. Bush, which shouldn't be too hard, on the foreign policy front anyways.
Bottom line is that foreign policy doesn't win elections though. The big job for the Liberals right now is to continue to replenish and rebuild.
It's funny how anti-American the right in Canada has become all of a sudden.