"For all of us, this is really big," he said. "A guy e-mailed me yesterday to say 'I already booked a hotel. I can't wait to see him.' And I have another person from Ottawa saying, 'If you need people to stay, let me know, I can offer my house.' "
He's already refusing to talk to the media he dosen't like and slagging private industry radio editorials. When do his ObanaNazis go to do the bidding of his master?
I'm still waiting for Streaker and his loons to start saying that 911 was only a Republicam inside job. The US.. in their eyes, the main source of evil in the world now is all hugs and kisses in only a month.
The US democrats obviously have the secret military, high test kool-aid.
I wonder if Obama is on the cover of Young Liberal Teen Beat magazine?
I wonder how much they'll love him when his protectionist policies screw Canadian industry six ways from sunday.
Hasn't bothered them yet. They are more concerned that Harper settled the softwood lumber agreement.
I'm still waiting for Streaker and his loons to start saying that 911 was only a Republicam inside job. The US.. in their eyes, the main source of evil in the world now is all hugs and kisses in only a month.
The US democrats obviously have the secret military, high test kool-aid.