Four Albertans, including Mount Royal College IT director Doug Dunwoody, have died in motorcycle crashes along one stretch of Montana highway, prompting a call of concern from an emergency room physician who worries this is just a sign of more to come.
Speed kills.
No it doesn't, stupid fucks kill.
Speed kills.
No it doesn't, stupid fucks kill.
The term "speed" really means "too fast for conditions", which is precisely why collisions occur.
Nice comment Tricks I can tell that you don't ride. When and if you ever do watch out for the shit you have no control over like large bugs, birds and other critters you will have to deal with at any speed. I lost a good friend that took a bird in the chest at 80 k in a corner.
I gather this is on the road they call "going to the sun highway". As for riders hitting birds etc., why would anyone ride without adequate gear including a proper windshield to mitigate risk? If not, you pay your money and take your chances because everyone knows that m'c's are inherently dangerous.
I have never had a windshield, and I am still alive am I not?
As is life itself...
I have never had a windshield, and I am still alive am I not?
Well I hope you brush daily.
Don't believe everything you read in the papers.