Conservative MP Tom Lukiwski apologized Thursday after the Saskatchewan NDP released a 16-year-old videotape featuring him and Premier Brad Wall that contains sexist, racist and homophobic comments.
"The A's are guys like me, the B's are homosexual faggots with dirt under their fingernails that transmit diseases."
He says his comments don't reflect who he is. It's my experience that people that say things like this - beer in hand or not - are showing exactly who they are.
...which is the spoiled leftovers of the Reform Party.
The video was taped in 1991, inside the Progressive Conservative campaign headquarters of Grant Devine who was making an unsuccessful bid for re-election as Saskatchewan premier. It was released by the Saskatchewan NDP Thursday, after it was found in an office.
It features several shots of a young staff clowning around.
This wasn't someone making official remarks in the process of their duties.
This was a couple of morons goofing it up in private. You can dislike the man and make all the moral judgements of him all you like but in the end their just opinions.. and opinions are not proof.
What opinion?
Dont like what he said = don't vote for the guy.
This was nothing more than a dumb mistake and you can choose to believe that all CPC are retread reform racists but then I'm guessing you and you're ilk won't vote CPC anyways.
Trying to paint us a such isn't going to get much traction because it's very old and you're party has done so much worst, in much larger and more public ways since then.
Since you can't actually read I will explain it all again to you ridenchild.
ridenhack, ridenbitch, ridencrite and now ridenchild.
I didn't paint the entire CPC as homophobic racists.
I attacked you for being a hypocrite for accusing people of going into the past when you yourself still bitch about Trudeau and make no distinction over time passed for anything you post about the Liberals.
Pulling some BS attack ad out of your ass as you desperately try to turn it against the Liberals is just more of your standard hypocracy.
No matter what happens you turn around and say "yah but the Liberals .....
Racism, Apartheid, and the Lie of ‘Balance’
Submitted by justin on Sat, 2006-12-16 03:49. BDS News
- Statement of the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid in Response to Raja
Khouri -
[Background: On 13 December 2006, former president of the Canadian Arab Federation, Raja Khouri, wrote an op-ed for the Globe and Mail that harshly attacked a leaflet distributed at the recent Liberal Party convention. The leaflet had described Bob Rae as a supporter of Israeli apartheid, a characterization that Mr. Khouri implied was "racist" and "hateful". CAIA has issued this response to Mr. Khouri's op-ed. The original op-ed is re-printed below.]
December 15, 2006
Before turning directly to Mr. Raja Khouri’s op-ed in the Globe and Mail of December 13, 2006, we must point out a few facts to place matters in context.
Gaza is starving. Israel controls all entry and exit and prevents the entry of food and other aid. A significant number of children are suffering permanent developmental damage from malnutrition. Over the past several months, the Israeli military has killed 400 people in Gaza alone. Israel holds ten thousand Palestinians as political prisoners, hundreds of whom are children, over one thousand of whom have not been brought to trial or charged. For years, Israeli bulldozers have been demolishing Palestinian homes, leaving thousands homeless each year. In the summer, the Israeli military killed over 1000 Lebanese, the vast majority of these civilians, while deliberately destroying much of the infrastructure of that country. Over one million cluster bomblets were dropped on the country (90% in the last 72 hours of Israel’s attack) and this unexploded ordnance continues to kill and maim.
Contrary to what Mr. Khouri may believe, these facts are not a question of "emotion". They are the daily life experience of Palestinians. They are well documented by UN agencies, and human rights organizations such as B’tselem, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch. They bear restating because they so often drop from view amidst calls for "balance".
In 2002, Bob Rae 'parted company' with the NDP to become a public supporter of Israeli apartheid. At the time, Rae claimed that Israel’s campaigns against Palestinians, which had already claimed thousands of civilian lives, were a “military response to the horrendous assaults on the civilian populationâ€
I give the guy the benefit of doubt - maybe his remarks were hasty or "humorous", or maybe he changed his mind since that time. But really, I hope he gets tons and tons of problems - even if he changed, or even if that was supposed to be funny instead of blatantly insulting, he deserves loads of crap as karmic payback.
racist rednecked, homophobic..rightwinged bible thumping torys.. go figure... and you would vote for that ... shame...
yep all day long.
racist rednecked, homophobic..rightwinged bible thumping torys.. go figure... and you would vote for that ... shame...
typical comment from a hypocrite ....stereotyping
You bitch about anything the Liberals have done regardless of how long its been.
We will add ridencrite to the list shall we.
"The A's are guys like me, the B's are homosexual faggots with dirt under their fingernails that transmit diseases."
He says his comments don't reflect who he is. It's my experience that people that say things like this - beer in hand or not - are showing exactly who they are.
...which is the spoiled leftovers of the Reform Party.
It features several shots of a young staff clowning around.
This wasn't someone making official remarks in the process of their duties.
This was a couple of morons goofing it up in private. You can dislike the man and make all the moral judgements of him all you like but in the end their just opinions.. and opinions are not proof.
If you don't like him, don't vote for him.
Besides. folks like you shouldn't talk:
You keep trying to hold your opinion as proof.
You would be spitting mad if that had been a Liberal making those comments.
Just another example of you being a walking hypocrite.
C'ya ridenbitch.
Dont like what he said = don't vote for the guy.
This was nothing more than a dumb mistake and you can choose to believe that all CPC are retread reform racists but then I'm guessing you and you're ilk won't vote CPC anyways.
Trying to paint us a such isn't going to get much traction because it's very old and you're party has done so much worst, in much larger and more public ways since then.
For example:
ridenhack, ridenbitch, ridencrite and now ridenchild.
I didn't paint the entire CPC as homophobic racists.
I attacked you for being a hypocrite for accusing people of going into the past when you yourself still bitch about Trudeau and make no distinction over time passed for anything you post about the Liberals.
Pulling some BS attack ad out of your ass as you desperately try to turn it against the Liberals is just more of your standard hypocracy.
No matter what happens you turn around and say "yah but the Liberals .....
Racism, Apartheid, and the Lie of ‘Balance’
Submitted by justin on Sat, 2006-12-16 03:49. BDS News
- Statement of the Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid in Response to Raja
Khouri -
[Background: On 13 December 2006, former president of the Canadian Arab Federation, Raja Khouri, wrote an op-ed for the Globe and Mail that harshly attacked a leaflet distributed at the recent Liberal Party convention. The leaflet had described Bob Rae as a supporter of Israeli apartheid, a characterization that Mr. Khouri implied was "racist" and "hateful". CAIA has issued this response to Mr. Khouri's op-ed. The original op-ed is re-printed below.]
December 15, 2006
Before turning directly to Mr. Raja Khouri’s op-ed in the Globe and Mail of December 13, 2006, we must point out a few facts to place matters in context.
Gaza is starving. Israel controls all entry and exit and prevents the entry of food and other aid. A significant number of children are suffering permanent developmental damage from malnutrition. Over the past several months, the Israeli military has killed 400 people in Gaza alone. Israel holds ten thousand Palestinians as political prisoners, hundreds of whom are children, over one thousand of whom have not been brought to trial or charged. For years, Israeli bulldozers have been demolishing Palestinian homes, leaving thousands homeless each year. In the summer, the Israeli military killed over 1000 Lebanese, the vast majority of these civilians, while deliberately destroying much of the infrastructure of that country. Over one million cluster bomblets were dropped on the country (90% in the last 72 hours of Israel’s attack) and this unexploded ordnance continues to kill and maim.
Contrary to what Mr. Khouri may believe, these facts are not a question of "emotion". They are the daily life experience of Palestinians. They are well documented by UN agencies, and human rights organizations such as B’tselem, Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch. They bear restating because they so often drop from view amidst calls for "balance".
In 2002, Bob Rae 'parted company' with the NDP to become a public supporter of Israeli apartheid. At the time, Rae claimed that Israel’s campaigns against Palestinians, which had already claimed thousands of civilian lives, were a “military response to the horrendous assaults on the civilian populationâ€
This was nothing more than a dumb mistake and you can choose to believe that all CPC are retread reform racists
Nothing more than a dumb mistake?
Uh huh.
Why are you so insistent on making excuses for him?
Imagine what he would say if it were a Liberal who said that remark?
10 threads all filled with him and the brotherhood of retards attacking each and every Liberal as if it were an official proclamation.