Sukhoi's Su-35-1 single-seat multirole fighter made its first flight from Zhukovsky, near Moscow, on 18 February. Completion of two more aircraft is due later this year. Comments
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The Indian Airforce has had great success with its SU-30s. It has kicked some RAF asses last year, and some American (F-15s) asses the year before. It is unknown if it would have the same results against F-22s. The stealth factor is a huge one to consider.
Yeah! I recall the hype around the MiG29.....then GulfI. Saudi F15..."FUX 1"........"Boondeat bonndeat..."
Much like an F-22 with an AA-12 up its tailpipe.
The F-22 has already demonstrated that it is invisible to the doppler-monopulse radar of the type the Adder uses.
Try again.
Yeah! I recall the hype around the MiG29.....then GulfI. Saudi F15..."FUX 1"........"Boondeat bonndeat..."
Yep, the invinicible MiG-29 survived the last Iraq war by being buried in the sand.
The choice at the time was the F/A -18 or the F/A-15.
The F-15 had a better range which was more suited for this country. The choice was made by his truly P.E.T.
Never trust a politician for military needs.
My preferance for the time was the F-14, the latter model was ground attack capable.
Sorry saw top gun one too many times