Iran has threatened to use an 'iron fist' to crush dissent after a third night of anti-regime protests saw two people shot dead in the city of Dorud as activists attacked government buildings.
Maybe if the endless train wreck of the great tweeting orange dickbag's clown show antics wasn't a constant ratings-grabbing distraction the media would pay more attention to what's going on. Then again if the new regime's policy is telling everyone else on the planet to fuck off and hyuck-hyuck-'Murika First! why should the media or viewers take overseas news seriously at all when the cretin at the top of the food chain isn't?
"Thanos" said Maybe if the endless train wreck of the great tweeting orange dickbag's clown show antics wasn't a constant ratings-grabbing distraction the media would pay more attention to what's going on. Then again if the new regime's policy is telling everyone else on the planet to fuck off and hyuck-hyuck-'Murika First! why should the media or viewers take overseas news seriously at all when the cretin at the top of the food chain isn't?
The point being the MSM isn't capable of anything better than 24 tweet coverage. Because they are that useless.
So now the 'peaceful, moderate Iranians', the ones you kept telling us were alright, as in all Obongo talking points, are going to use those Obamabucks to murder and suppress their own citizens.
While you sit on your ass and complain about Trump some more.
"martin14" said Maybe if the endless train wreck of the great tweeting orange dickbag's clown show antics wasn't a constant ratings-grabbing distraction the media would pay more attention to what's going on. Then again if the new regime's policy is telling everyone else on the planet to fuck off and hyuck-hyuck-'Murika First! why should the media or viewers take overseas news seriously at all when the cretin at the top of the food chain isn't?
Thanks for the yuks T, but let's get serious for a sec.
Here's a taste from the article, offering a more thoughtful proposal as to why the MSM may have been minimizing this 'Iranian protests' story when they're not outright ignoring it:
As widespread anti-regime protests in Iran continue on into their third day, American news audiences are starting to wonder why the US media has devoted so little coverage to such dramatic—and possibly history-making—events. Ordinary people are taking their lives in their hands to voice their outrage at the crimes of an obscurantist regime that has repressed them since 1979, and which attacks and shoots them dead in the streets. So why aren’t the protests in Iran making headlines?
The short answer is that the American media is incapable of covering the story, because its resources and available story-lines for Iran reporting and expertise were shaped by two powerful official forces—the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Obama White House. Without government minders providing them with story-lines and experts, American reporters are simply lost—and it shows.
It nearly goes without saying that only regime-friendly Western journalists are allowed to report from Iran, which is an authoritarian police state that routinely tortures and murders its political foes. The arrest and nearly two-year detention of Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian drove this point home to American newsrooms and editors who might not have been paying attention. The fact that Rezaian was not an entirely hostile voice who showed “the human side” of the country only made the regime’s message more terrifying and effective: We can find you guilty of anything at any time, so watch your step.
The Post has understandably been reluctant to send someone back to Iran. But that’s hardly an excuse for virtually ignoring a story that threatens to turn the past eight years of conventional wisdom about Iran on its head. If the people who donned pink pussy hats to resist Donald Trump are one of the year’s big stories, surely people who are shot dead in the streets in Iran for resisting an actual murderous theocracy might also be deserving of a shout-out for their bravery...
Twelve dead in Iran as security forces are accused of opening fire on protesters after President Rouhani said people were 'completely free to express their criticism'
At least 12 people have been killed and multiple others wounded during a fourth night of unrest in Iran.
Iranian state TV reported the figure Monday, saying security forces repelled 'armed protesters' who tried to take over police stations and military bases.
Two people were shot dead in the southwestern town of Izeh while another two died in Dorud after being run over by a stolen fire truck, local news agencies reported.
Elsewhere there were unconfirmed reports that three people were shot dead after security forces opened fire on protesters in Isfahan.
Twelve people have been reported dead during a fourth straight night of protests in Iran, including reports of three people killed in the city of Isfahan +6 Twelve people have been reported dead during a fourth straight night of protests in Iran, including reports of three people killed in the city of Isfahan
Video purportedly taken in Isfahan on Sunday night shows dozens of people on the street before what sounds like gunshots are heard +6 Video purportedly taken in Isfahan on Sunday night shows dozens of people on the street before what sounds like gunshots are heard
Video purportedly filmed in the city shows dozens of marchers on the streets as vehicles burn around them before what sounds like gunshots are heard.
The deaths in Izeh were confirmed by local politician Hedayatollah Khademi, who said it was unclear whether they were killed by police or other demonstrators.
'The governor said it (the gunfire) was unlikely to be by police as they were not supposed to open fire,' he said.
The shooting in Isfahan was reported by several prominent Twitter personalities including Amichai Stein, foreign affairs correspondent for the Israeli public broadcasting corporation, but could not be independently verified.
Elsewhere police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse a small protest in Tehran's Enghelab Square on Sunday evening.
The protests in Iran are on every major news source I checked today. As usual, as Thanos indicates, the alt-right types are making shit up up and talking out of their butts.
"Zipperfish" said The protests in Iran are on every major news source I checked today. As usual, as Thanos indicates, the alt-right types are making shit up up and talking out of their butts.
The alt-Reichtard sites really aren't covering the protests themselves. All they're "covering" is the librul libtard Soros-owned media allegedly not covering the protests. Well, they're doing that at the same time they're tossing out little suggestions and other drum-beating bits that this should be the kickoff to war with Iran. Was 2003 really so long ago that they really think no one can recognize what they're trying to do all over again what they did with the pack of lies that led up the invasion of Iraq? With all apologies to the protesters in Iran and their cause, their cause is essentially altogether insignificant and the Iranian governments reprisals against them comprise absolutely no threat to either the United States and to the world order, and in no way would ever justify an attack on their country. But the MAGAts might just try to use it for such anyway.
The alt-right would have us believe that Western liberals share the aims of the mullahs. In fact, the regime's domestic supporters have a decidedly Trumpian flavour given that xenophobia, ignorance and religious extremism feature strongly among them.
Police states are hard to improve until the police are on your side. That day will come in Iran but I suspect we'll have to wait a while longer.
"herbie" said Time zones are weird. New Year's Eve I was thinking how it was 2018 in Australia, 2017 in Canada and 1953 in the United States....
If the folks in America in 1953 had the same genuinely stupid attitude back then as too many of them now do these days then thirty million of them would have died in a fucking easily-prevented polio epidemic because they were either (a) fucking sub-moronic anti-vaxxers or (b) just not needing the help of any of them uppity college-boy scientitian types because Jesus would surely save them instead. Sad and infinitely dumb but unfortunately true.
Whatever survives of our dying civilization will in two hundred years or so look back on these times as probably the most un-necessarily ignorant and miserably stupid era that allegedly civilized people lived through.
Canada will provide $100 million in finance for a deal between Montreal-based multinational aerospace and transportation company, Bombardier Inc., and Iran’s Qeshm Free Zone Organization for purchasing 10 passenger planes, the FTZ’s chief executive, Hamidreza Momeni, has said.
The free zone is planning to launch a new airline called Fly Qeshm.
“Our talks with Canada’s Bombardier are almost final,” he was quoted as saying by Iran’s Tinn News on Tuesday.
Momeni said the $100-million finance will cover 80% of the deal, which entails the supply of the 104-seat planes.
“We are doing our best to receive these planes before the end of the current year (March 20, 2018),” he said.
"It appears that Justin Trudeau's lack of enthusiasm for the protesters in Iran has been bought and paid for."
Why Can’t the American Media Cover the Protests in Iran?
Because they have lost the ability to cover real news when it happens.
By Lee Smith
Maybe if the endless train wreck of the great tweeting orange dickbag's clown show antics wasn't a constant ratings-grabbing distraction the media would pay more attention to what's going on. Then again if the new regime's policy is telling everyone else on the planet to fuck off and hyuck-hyuck-'Murika First! why should the media or viewers take overseas news seriously at all when the cretin at the top of the food chain isn't?
The point being the MSM isn't capable of anything better than 24 tweet coverage.
Because they are that useless.
So now the 'peaceful, moderate Iranians', the ones you kept telling us were alright,
as in all Obongo talking points, are going to use those Obamabucks to murder
and suppress their own citizens.
While you sit on your ass and complain about Trump some more.
Maybe if the endless train wreck of the great tweeting orange dickbag's clown show antics wasn't a constant ratings-grabbing distraction the media would pay more attention to what's going on. Then again if the new regime's policy is telling everyone else on the planet to fuck off and hyuck-hyuck-'Murika First! why should the media or viewers take overseas news seriously at all when the cretin at the top of the food chain isn't?
Thanks for the yuks T, but let's get serious for a sec.
Here's a taste from the article, offering a more thoughtful proposal as to why the MSM may have been minimizing this 'Iranian protests' story when they're not outright ignoring it:
The short answer is that the American media is incapable of covering the story, because its resources and available story-lines for Iran reporting and expertise were shaped by two powerful official forces—the Islamic Republic of Iran, and the Obama White House. Without government minders providing them with story-lines and experts, American reporters are simply lost—and it shows.
It nearly goes without saying that only regime-friendly Western journalists are allowed to report from Iran, which is an authoritarian police state that routinely tortures and murders its political foes. The arrest and nearly two-year detention of Washington Post reporter Jason Rezaian drove this point home to American newsrooms and editors who might not have been paying attention. The fact that Rezaian was not an entirely hostile voice who showed “the human side” of the country only made the regime’s message more terrifying and effective: We can find you guilty of anything at any time, so watch your step.
The Post has understandably been reluctant to send someone back to Iran. But that’s hardly an excuse for virtually ignoring a story that threatens to turn the past eight years of conventional wisdom about Iran on its head. If the people who donned pink pussy hats to resist Donald Trump are one of the year’s big stories, surely people who are shot dead in the streets in Iran for resisting an actual murderous theocracy might also be deserving of a shout-out for their bravery...
The most trusted name in Fake News.
Iranian state TV reported the figure Monday, saying security forces repelled 'armed protesters' who tried to take over police stations and military bases.
Two people were shot dead in the southwestern town of Izeh while another two died in Dorud after being run over by a stolen fire truck, local news agencies reported.
Elsewhere there were unconfirmed reports that three people were shot dead after security forces opened fire on protesters in Isfahan.
Twelve people have been reported dead during a fourth straight night of protests in Iran, including reports of three people killed in the city of Isfahan +6
Twelve people have been reported dead during a fourth straight night of protests in Iran, including reports of three people killed in the city of Isfahan
Video purportedly taken in Isfahan on Sunday night shows dozens of people on the street before what sounds like gunshots are heard +6
Video purportedly taken in Isfahan on Sunday night shows dozens of people on the street before what sounds like gunshots are heard
Video purportedly filmed in the city shows dozens of marchers on the streets as vehicles burn around them before what sounds like gunshots are heard.
The deaths in Izeh were confirmed by local politician Hedayatollah Khademi, who said it was unclear whether they were killed by police or other demonstrators.
'The governor said it (the gunfire) was unlikely to be by police as they were not supposed to open fire,' he said.
The shooting in Isfahan was reported by several prominent Twitter personalities including Amichai Stein, foreign affairs correspondent for the Israeli public broadcasting corporation, but could not be independently verified.
Elsewhere police used tear gas and water cannon to disperse a small protest in Tehran's Enghelab Square on Sunday evening. ... z52w7MmZKl
The protests in Iran are on every major news source I checked today. As usual, as Thanos indicates, the alt-right types are making shit up up and talking out of their butts.
The alt-Reichtard sites really aren't covering the protests themselves. All they're "covering" is the librul libtard Soros-owned media allegedly not covering the protests. Well, they're doing that at the same time they're tossing out little suggestions and other drum-beating bits that this should be the kickoff to war with Iran. Was 2003 really so long ago that they really think no one can recognize what they're trying to do all over again what they did with the pack of lies that led up the invasion of Iraq? With all apologies to the protesters in Iran and their cause, their cause is essentially altogether insignificant and the Iranian governments reprisals against them comprise absolutely no threat to either the United States and to the world order, and in no way would ever justify an attack on their country. But the MAGAts might just try to use it for such anyway.
Police states are hard to improve until the police are on your side. That day will come in Iran but I suspect we'll have to wait a while longer.
Time zones are weird. New Year's Eve I was thinking how it was 2018 in Australia, 2017 in Canada and 1953 in the United States....
If the folks in America in 1953 had the same genuinely stupid attitude back then as too many of them now do these days then thirty million of them would have died in a fucking easily-prevented polio epidemic because they were either (a) fucking sub-moronic anti-vaxxers or (b) just not needing the help of any of them uppity college-boy scientitian types because Jesus would surely save them instead. Sad and infinitely dumb but unfortunately true.
Whatever survives of our dying civilization will in two hundred years or so look back on these times as probably the most un-necessarily ignorant and miserably stupid era that allegedly civilized people lived through.
The free zone is planning to launch a new airline called Fly Qeshm.
“Our talks with Canada’s Bombardier are almost final,” he was quoted as saying by Iran’s Tinn News on Tuesday.
Momeni said the $100-million finance will cover 80% of the deal, which entails the supply of the 104-seat planes.
“We are doing our best to receive these planes before the end of the current year (March 20, 2018),” he said.
"It appears that Justin Trudeau's lack of enthusiasm for the protesters in Iran has been bought and paid for."