I am already sick to death of this bullshit. Every has been to crawl out from under a rock is "taking a knee for America". What the fuck does that even mean? Hey while you're down there, blow me already!!!! Stevie Wonder is taking TWO knees for America!!! Whoopie fucking doo!! Hey Stevie: the 1970's is on the phone. They want you back to when you were actually relevant. You know like when you actually had a song that got airtime. The vast, vast majority of the people living on the planet don't even know who the hell he is. Far less people actually care. This whole movement is a crock of shit. Some spolied no talent loser who is passing for black started this bullshit to draw attention away from his rapidly diminishing skills on the field. When he first came out in the NFL, i was a fan. He looked great. I liked watching him play. He was physically gifted, and fun to watch. After a few years the other teams in the NFL had devised ways to defeat him. A truly great athlete would have rolled with the punch and reinvented himself, added some new dimensions to their game. Not Kaerpernick. He truly is a one trick pony. The NFL is full of people who have a great first year only to be figured out by the defenses and peter out quickly. Kaepernick quickly turned into the newest bum of the month. He lost his starting position in 2015. He did not start this sitting for the National Anthem bullshit until 2016. Coincidence? I think not. Instead of improving himself and fighting for his job, he took the easy way out. He showed up for camp with some rediculous 1970's blaxploitation hairdo. He attempts to draw attention to himself by refusing to stand for the Anthem. He is such a non factor that it actually took him three games of not standing before he was even noticed. When asked about it he claims that it is in response to blacks being mistreated by the police. What does the National Anthem have to do with blacks being mistreated by the police? We do not have a national police force. We have city, county, and state police forces. If blacks are being mistreated by the cops, its not the feds fault. The feds have done a hell of a lot more for fair treatment of blacks than any city, county , or state ever will. What he IS doing is disrespecting the many service members (many black Americans) who fought and died for this country.
This guy trying to pass himself off as black is laughable. He was born black, thats about the extent of his "blackness". He was adopted by white parents. Well to do white parents. His father is the vice president of a corporation. Colin has never spent one day in the hood. He was never beat up for his lunch money. Stray bullets never passed through his house because a bunch of gang bangers were shooting it out on his street. His high school has a black population of 1.43% of African American. One would have to move to scandinavia to get a whiter population than that. Hell my city has a 20% population of African Americans. I probably know way more black people than this guy does. This guy has never wanted for anything in his life, ever. Every white person living in a shack in West Virginia (or all of Appalachia for that matter) has had a much, much harder life than this guy. He can't adapt to the defenses. He loses his starting job. Instead of manning up and trying harder like winners do, he plays the race card. He is somehow a victim. LOL!!!! He is somehow standing up to blacks being oppressed by the police. Bullshit!!! There are people that you have never heard of that follow the police filming them and their interactions with people. They have had black people cut loose by the cops when they show up on the scene. They have had charges dropped for black people when their videos go viral on youtube. They have won millions of dollars in judgements for black people when their videos go viral. How many black people has Kaepernick helped? Zero. He is actually HURTING black people. Almost 70% of the NFL are black. When people quit watching the NFL (like me today) what is going to happen? Nothing good. Most of those athletes have been "carried" through high school and college. They had "no show" classes. Their teachers and professors were told to pass them. Their degrees are worthless. No one is going to hire someone who can barely speak English to run or represent their company. Colin Kaepernick. He could not play the game. He was going down. He just had to take a bunch of people with him. My grandkids might be reading about him in their history books. The one man who brought down, and destroyed America's favorite sport. Well done dipshit!!
"rickc" said I am already sick to death of this bullshit. Every has been to crawl out from under a rock is "taking a knee for America". What the fuck does that even mean? Hey while you're down there, blow me already!!!! Stevie Wonder is taking TWO knees for America!!! Whoopie fucking doo!! Hey Stevie: the 1970's is on the phone. They want you back to when you were actually relevant. You know like when you actually had a song that got airtime. The vast, vast majority of the people living on the planet don't even know who the hell he is. Far less people actually care. This whole movement is a crock of shit. Some spolied no talent loser who is passing for black started this bullshit to draw attention away from his rapidly diminishing skills on the field. When he first came out in the NFL, i was a fan. He looked great. I liked watching him play. He was physically gifted, and fun to watch. After a few years the other teams in the NFL had devised ways to defeat him. A truly great athlete would have rolled with the punch and reinvented himself, added some new dimensions to their game. Not Kaerpernick. He truly is a one trick pony. The NFL is full of people who have a great first year only to be figured out by the defenses and peter out quickly. Kaepernick quickly turned into the newest bum of the month. He lost his starting position in 2015. He did not start this sitting for the National Anthem bullshit until 2016. Coincidence? I think not. Instead of improving himself and fighting for his job, he took the easy way out. He showed up for camp with some rediculous 1970's blaxploitation hairdo. He attempts to draw attention to himself by refusing to stand for the Anthem. He is such a non factor that it actually took him three games of not standing before he was even noticed. When asked about it he claims that it is in response to blacks being mistreated by the police. What does the National Anthem have to do with blacks being mistreated by the police? We do not have a national police force. We have city, county, and state police forces. If blacks are being mistreated by the cops, its not the feds fault. The feds have done a hell of a lot more for fair treatment of blacks than any city, county , or state ever will. What he IS doing is disrespecting the many service members (many black Americans) who fought and died for this country.
This guy trying to pass himself off as black is laughable. He was born black, thats about the extent of his "blackness". He was adopted by white parents. Well to do white parents. His father is the vice president of a corporation. Colin has never spent one day in the hood. He was never beat up for his lunch money. Stray bullets never passed through his house because a bunch of gang bangers were shooting it out on his street. His high school has a black population of 1.43% of African American. One would have to move to scandinavia to get a whiter population than that. Hell my city has a 20% population of African Americans. I probably know way more black people than this guy does. This guy has never wanted for anything in his life, ever. Every white person living in a shack in West Virginia (or all of Appalachia for that matter) has had a much, much harder life than this guy. He can't adapt to the defenses. He loses his starting job. Instead of manning up and trying harder like winners do, he plays the race card. He is somehow a victim. LOL!!!! He is somehow standing up to blacks being oppressed by the police. Bullshit!!! There are people that you have never heard of that follow the police filming them and their interactions with people. They have had black people cut loose by the cops when they show up on the scene. They have had charges dropped for black people when their videos go viral on youtube. They have won millions of dollars in judgements for black people when their videos go viral. How many black people has Kaepernick helped? Zero. He is actually HURTING black people. Almost 70% of the NFL are black. When people quit watching the NFL (like me today) what is going to happen? Nothing good. Most of those athletes have been "carried" through high school and college. They had "no show" classes. Their teachers and professors were told to pass them. Their degrees are worthless. No one is going to hire someone who can barely speak English to run or represent their company. Colin Kaepernick. He could not play the game. He was going down. He just had to take a bunch of people with him. My grandkids might be reading about him in their history books. The one man who brought down, and destroyed America's favorite sport. Well done dipshit!!
Well said! Kaepernick was an average QB at best, there's stories floating around he did this to impress his BLM girlfriend. Ether way you are right he's destroyed America's favorite sport, meanwhile The X-Files has gone full LibTard.
"BartSimpson" said To me that's your flag. And I would NEVER tolerate that kind of bullshit.
I'm used to seeing the Maple Leaf on other things, pins, shirts etc. I don't think it's really disrespectful, unless it's something like you posted - underwear.
But the Canadian Flag, like yours, has a specific . And the guy in that video definitely is wearing the Stars and Stripes.
Unless it's set up exactly to spec, I'm less likely to be offended by it being used as clothing. OTOH, I get offended when someone peddles a Canadian flag that isn't up to spec. Just a cheap copy of a proud emblem, to me.
Football is a religion in the US. Not even instances of child molestation, widespread gang rape and general criminality of players have deterred fans.
You're living in a dream world.
This guy trying to pass himself off as black is laughable. He was born black, thats about the extent of his "blackness". He was adopted by white parents. Well to do white parents. His father is the vice president of a corporation. Colin has never spent one day in the hood. He was never beat up for his lunch money. Stray bullets never passed through his house because a bunch of gang bangers were shooting it out on his street. His high school has a black population of 1.43% of African American. One would have to move to scandinavia to get a whiter population than that. Hell my city has a 20% population of African Americans. I probably know way more black people than this guy does. This guy has never wanted for anything in his life, ever. Every white person living in a shack in West Virginia (or all of Appalachia for that matter) has had a much, much harder life than this guy. He can't adapt to the defenses. He loses his starting job. Instead of manning up and trying harder like winners do, he plays the race card. He is somehow a victim. LOL!!!! He is somehow standing up to blacks being oppressed by the police. Bullshit!!! There are people that you have never heard of that follow the police filming them and their interactions with people. They have had black people cut loose by the cops when they show up on the scene. They have had charges dropped for black people when their videos go viral on youtube. They have won millions of dollars in judgements for black people when their videos go viral. How many black people has Kaepernick helped? Zero. He is actually HURTING black people. Almost 70% of the NFL are black. When people quit watching the NFL (like me today) what is going to happen? Nothing good. Most of those athletes have been "carried" through high school and college. They had "no show" classes. Their teachers and professors were told to pass them. Their degrees are worthless. No one is going to hire someone who can barely speak English to run or represent their company. Colin Kaepernick. He could not play the game. He was going down. He just had to take a bunch of people with him. My grandkids might be reading about him in their history books. The one man who brought down, and destroyed America's favorite sport. Well done dipshit!!
The most ironic part of this is the douche with the flag shirt is actually disrespecting the flag/nation, too.
US Flag Code: Chapter 10.176D
“The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.”
The most ironic part of this is the douche with the flag shirt is actually disrespecting the flag/nation, too.
US Flag Code: Chapter 10.176D
“The flag should never be used as wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery.”
Third, that has always bothered me. The Flag should be respected, not used as a snot rag. And it's part of Canadian law too.
https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-herit ... rules.html
I am already sick to death of this bullshit. Every has been to crawl out from under a rock is "taking a knee for America". What the fuck does that even mean? Hey while you're down there, blow me already!!!! Stevie Wonder is taking TWO knees for America!!! Whoopie fucking doo!! Hey Stevie: the 1970's is on the phone. They want you back to when you were actually relevant. You know like when you actually had a song that got airtime. The vast, vast majority of the people living on the planet don't even know who the hell he is. Far less people actually care. This whole movement is a crock of shit. Some spolied no talent loser who is passing for black started this bullshit to draw attention away from his rapidly diminishing skills on the field. When he first came out in the NFL, i was a fan. He looked great. I liked watching him play. He was physically gifted, and fun to watch. After a few years the other teams in the NFL had devised ways to defeat him. A truly great athlete would have rolled with the punch and reinvented himself, added some new dimensions to their game. Not Kaerpernick. He truly is a one trick pony. The NFL is full of people who have a great first year only to be figured out by the defenses and peter out quickly. Kaepernick quickly turned into the newest bum of the month. He lost his starting position in 2015. He did not start this sitting for the National Anthem bullshit until 2016. Coincidence? I think not. Instead of improving himself and fighting for his job, he took the easy way out. He showed up for camp with some rediculous 1970's blaxploitation hairdo. He attempts to draw attention to himself by refusing to stand for the Anthem. He is such a non factor that it actually took him three games of not standing before he was even noticed. When asked about it he claims that it is in response to blacks being mistreated by the police. What does the National Anthem have to do with blacks being mistreated by the police? We do not have a national police force. We have city, county, and state police forces. If blacks are being mistreated by the cops, its not the feds fault. The feds have done a hell of a lot more for fair treatment of blacks than any city, county , or state ever will. What he IS doing is disrespecting the many service members (many black Americans) who fought and died for this country.
This guy trying to pass himself off as black is laughable. He was born black, thats about the extent of his "blackness". He was adopted by white parents. Well to do white parents. His father is the vice president of a corporation. Colin has never spent one day in the hood. He was never beat up for his lunch money. Stray bullets never passed through his house because a bunch of gang bangers were shooting it out on his street. His high school has a black population of 1.43% of African American. One would have to move to scandinavia to get a whiter population than that. Hell my city has a 20% population of African Americans. I probably know way more black people than this guy does. This guy has never wanted for anything in his life, ever. Every white person living in a shack in West Virginia (or all of Appalachia for that matter) has had a much, much harder life than this guy. He can't adapt to the defenses. He loses his starting job. Instead of manning up and trying harder like winners do, he plays the race card. He is somehow a victim. LOL!!!! He is somehow standing up to blacks being oppressed by the police. Bullshit!!! There are people that you have never heard of that follow the police filming them and their interactions with people. They have had black people cut loose by the cops when they show up on the scene. They have had charges dropped for black people when their videos go viral on youtube. They have won millions of dollars in judgements for black people when their videos go viral. How many black people has Kaepernick helped? Zero. He is actually HURTING black people. Almost 70% of the NFL are black. When people quit watching the NFL (like me today) what is going to happen? Nothing good. Most of those athletes have been "carried" through high school and college. They had "no show" classes. Their teachers and professors were told to pass them. Their degrees are worthless. No one is going to hire someone who can barely speak English to run or represent their company. Colin Kaepernick. He could not play the game. He was going down. He just had to take a bunch of people with him. My grandkids might be reading about him in their history books. The one man who brought down, and destroyed America's favorite sport. Well done dipshit!!
Well said! Kaepernick was an average QB at best, there's stories floating around he did this to impress his BLM girlfriend. Ether way you are right he's destroyed America's favorite sport, meanwhile The X-Files has gone full LibTard.
Third, that has always bothered me. The Flag should be respected, not used as a snot rag. And it's part of Canadian law too.
https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-herit ... rules.html
The left put an end to team prayers and even the Maori haka when it was popular a couple years ago and now they're after the anthem and the flag.
Third, that has always bothered me. The Flag should be respected, not used as a snot rag. And it's part of Canadian law too.
https://www.canada.ca/en/canadian-herit ... rules.html
Exactly. Disrespectful.
Although . . it's not technically the flag, just the Maple Leaf.
To me that's your flag. And I would NEVER tolerate that kind of bullshit.
I'm used to seeing the Maple Leaf on other things, pins, shirts etc. I don't think it's really disrespectful, unless it's something like you posted - underwear.
But the Canadian Flag, like yours, has a specific . And the guy in that video definitely is wearing the Stars and Stripes.
Unless it's set up exactly to spec, I'm less likely to be offended by it being used as clothing. OTOH, I get offended when someone peddles a Canadian flag that isn't up to spec. Just a cheap copy of a proud emblem, to me.