Today Trump made good on his promise to lay down sanctions on countries and companies doing business with North Korea. From what I understand earlier this week the Chinese government ordered an end to commerce with North Korea but in support of UN sanctions and not because of Trump's order of today.
If Lil' Kim and his regime can be starved of the supplies they need for their weapons then maybe a peaceful resolution can be had.
But if that little jerk thinks he can extort the US like his father did then he's going to be disappointed because it sure does look like DJT is insistent that he's not going to kick the Nork problem down the road to the next President.
I do. I want to see the Norks carpet bombed into oblivion. If not to quell Lil Kim, then to watch all that air power and technology at work. Love those American-made warplanes and weaponry
I do. I want to see the Norks carpet bombed into oblivion. If not to quell Lil Kim, then to watch all that air power and technology at work. Love those American-made warplanes and weaponry
-J. The downside is we would see South Korea wiped off the face of the Earth meaning no more tech support from Samsung.
I could mention that the US dropping a moderate-sized nuke on Pyongyang would kill about 700,000 people and injure another million or so but it might spoil the mood for someone who's happily masturbating to war footage as they're about to jerk off all over themselves.
I could mention that the US dropping a moderate-sized nuke on Pyongyang would kill about 700,000 people and injure another million or so
Yet the death toll from N. Korea firing on Japan and/or S. Korea would be far worse. Just remember N. Korea would be the first to fire nukes.
Possibly, but some of us still remember the "we gotta do something about Saddam even if there's only a 1% chance!" mentality that led to disaster in Iraq. Won't ever get fooled by an American administration on this sort of thing ever again, especially not an admin led by a attention-grabbing carny like Trump.
I could mention that the US dropping a moderate-sized nuke on Pyongyang would kill about 700,000 people and injure another million or so
Yet the death toll from N. Korea firing on Japan and/or S. Korea would be far worse. Just remember N. Korea would be the first to fire nukes.
Possibly, but some of us still remember the "we gotta do something about Saddam even if there's only a 1% chance!" mentality that led to disaster in Iraq. Won't ever get fooled by an American administration on this sort of thing ever again, especially not an admin led by a attention-grabbing carny like Trump.
So, the large explosions at 41°16'47.87"N, 129° and continual second rate ICBM's flying over Japan aren't enough proof enough of the trolls possession of WMD's?
I suppose Trump could always go full metal Democrat and give them another 4 billion in aide, unlimited oil and more nuclear technology since that worked out so well the last time.
Or not recklessly include North Korea in Dubya's idiotic Axis Of Evil speech and set them off in a race to arm themselves because the paranoid little fuckers were given a reason to believe that the US was going to be coming after them for real? How come American war-loving propaganda and chest-thumping is never held responsible for setting these crises off in the first place the way it should be? Or how about we put up with what we can't change, like we've done for almost twenty years with a nuclear-armed and Islamist Pakistan, and leave the little freak in Pyongyang for the Chinese to deal with. The sanctions are correct, the international condemnation is correct, the shutting off of credit and cash to NK is correct. Opting to go to war right off the bat, and not even acknowledge that millions of people could end up being killed because watching the American military blow shit up is "cool", as one ghoul who posted above is openly fantasizing about, isn't the correct thing to do.
What the fuck has happened to this society in the last couple of decades where even talking about negative consequences to military action is now seen as weakness and cowardice? If this had been the prevailing attitude during the Cold War there would have been a full exchange of nuclear weaponry back in the 1960's or 70's, this planet would be a blackened cinder still choking under a nuclear winter, and every single life-form on this world (including humans) would be effectively extinct.
I hope we don't have to find out.
If Lil' Kim and his regime can be starved of the supplies they need for their weapons then maybe a peaceful resolution can be had.
But if that little jerk thinks he can extort the US like his father did then he's going to be disappointed because it sure does look like DJT is insistent that he's not going to kick the Nork problem down the road to the next President.
Seeing as the dog is rabid.
In this case I'd take a rabid dog as a guard dog over a pussy.
I hope we don't have to find out.
I do. I want to see the Norks carpet bombed into oblivion. If not to quell Lil Kim, then to watch all that air power and technology at work. Love those American-made warplanes and weaponry
I hope we don't have to find out.
I do. I want to see the Norks carpet bombed into oblivion. If not to quell Lil Kim, then to watch all that air power and technology at work. Love those American-made warplanes and weaponry
The downside is we would see South Korea wiped off the face of the Earth meaning no more tech support from Samsung.
I could mention that the US dropping a moderate-sized nuke on Pyongyang would kill about 700,000 people and injure another million or so
Yet the death toll from N. Korea firing on Japan and/or S. Korea would be far worse. Just remember N. Korea would be the first to fire nukes.
I could mention that the US dropping a moderate-sized nuke on Pyongyang would kill about 700,000 people and injure another million or so
Yet the death toll from N. Korea firing on Japan and/or S. Korea would be far worse. Just remember N. Korea would be the first to fire nukes.
Possibly, but some of us still remember the "we gotta do something about Saddam even if there's only a 1% chance!" mentality that led to disaster in Iraq. Won't ever get fooled by an American administration on this sort of thing ever again, especially not an admin led by a attention-grabbing carny like Trump.
I could mention that the US dropping a moderate-sized nuke on Pyongyang would kill about 700,000 people and injure another million or so
Yet the death toll from N. Korea firing on Japan and/or S. Korea would be far worse. Just remember N. Korea would be the first to fire nukes.
Possibly, but some of us still remember the "we gotta do something about Saddam even if there's only a 1% chance!" mentality that led to disaster in Iraq. Won't ever get fooled by an American administration on this sort of thing ever again, especially not an admin led by a attention-grabbing carny like Trump.
So, the large explosions at 41°16'47.87"N, 129° and continual second rate ICBM's flying over Japan aren't enough proof enough of the trolls possession of WMD's?
I suppose Trump could always go full metal Democrat and give them another 4 billion in aide, unlimited oil and more nuclear technology since that worked out so well the last time.
What the fuck has happened to this society in the last couple of decades where even talking about negative consequences to military action is now seen as weakness and cowardice? If this had been the prevailing attitude during the Cold War there would have been a full exchange of nuclear weaponry back in the 1960's or 70's, this planet would be a blackened cinder still choking under a nuclear winter, and every single life-form on this world (including humans) would be effectively extinct.