Ontario PC Leader Tim Hudak today introduced the Newcomers Employment Opportunities Act in the Ontario Legislature. The act includes practical and affordable measures that, if passed, will help new Canadians find employment and create jobs in Ontario.
Hudak, who also serves as Ontario PC Citizenship and Immigration critic, was joined by representatives of SAHRA humanrightscanada.org, Canadian–AlbanianCommunity Association, Padda Immigration Law and the San Lorenzo Latin American Community Centre for the introduction of the Bill.
Hudak’s bill would lower the investment threshold for any immigrant investor who is looking to open a business outside of the Greater Toronto Area. In addition, the bill would provide new tax incentives for employers who pay for English and French language training for new Canadian employees. Finally, Hudak’s bill would require every Ontario regulated profession to provide potential immigrants with affordable and comprehensive access to credentialing information.
Speaking on this occasion Ontario PC leader said, "“This contains practical and affordable measures to help new Canadians find and create jobs here in Ontario. It is an example of forward thinking that is badly needed and long overdue.”
Roger Nair, a Toronto based filmmaker (The man that brought some of the biggest film stars to Toronto on the opening of his film Guru,.the premiere of which brought Yonge street to a stand still and sent Canada into a media frenzy.) who was also involved in a film on the same issue of new immigrants in Canada and is the current chair of Human Rights Organization SAHRA (South Asians for Human Rights) said about the proposals , " “These proposals make good sense for any new Canadian who is looking to start a business or pursue a professional career in Ontario.”
He also says its about time that the government starts being completely honest with prospective immigrants before we bring them here, and that includes have all the information about foreign credentials online, the hurdles they are going to face before they come here.Its only fair enough of uprooting the the professionals and then get them to do demeaning jobs. to survive..
Shan Padda, Senior counsel of Padda Immigration Law Office that operates in Brampton says “This Bill, if passed, would make a difference for new Canadians and, in turn, help new Canadians make a bigger difference in Ontario.”
If passed, Tim Hudak’s Newcomers Employment Opportunities Act would do the following:
Lowers Investment requirements from $3,000,000 to $1,000,000 for immigrant applicants applying for permanent residence status in the investor category if the immigrant investor plans to operate a business outside of the Greater Toronto Area.
Provide a new tax credit to eligible employers who arrange for occupation specific English as a second language or French as a second language training for immigrant employees who have been in Canada for less than two years. The tax credit would be equal to 10% of the enrolled employees’ wages.
Require regulated professions to make training materials and credentialing information available to prospective immigrants online while empowering the Fairness Commissioner to monitor reasonableness of Ontario professional credentialing processes compared to other jurisdictions.