Canadian Inventions
All inventions/discoveries on this list can be verified by the CIPO/OPIC (Canadian Intellectual Property Office). To browse a HUGE list of Canadian inventions by inventor, province, or category, visit the site.
- AM radio
- IMAX projector and system
- panoramic pictures and camera
- standard time
- telephone
- transceiver (walkie-talkie)
- world's first commercial motion picture
- butter substitute
- electric cooking range
- instant potato flakes
- Pablum
- cigarette box
- freehand
- hair tonic
- jolly jumper
- improved ironing board
- measure for footwear
- paint roller
- portable high chair
- robertson screw
- washing machine
- zipper
- degradable plastic
- green box
- kerosene
- oil well
- pulp newsprint
- sewage recycling system
- Actar 911 CPR Dummy
- dental mirror
- electron microscope
- insulin
- liposomes
- medical instruments
- electric hand prosthesis for children
- myoelectric prosthesis
- fog bell or gong
- personal distress device
- MacPherson gas mask
- ear piercer
- Abdomenizer
- Balderdash
- basketball
- 5-pin bowling
- hockey goalie mask
- Muskol
- Puzz-3D
- rollerskate
- ski-binding
- tabletop hockey game
- Trivial Pursuit
- air-conditioned vehicle
- Canadarm
- electric car
- guardrail
- snowblower
- snowmobile
Published on: 2004-08-05 (38917 reads)
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