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longest range recorded for sniper kill

Type:canadian record
Date: 2001
Record Holder:Rob Furlong
Tags:sniper, longest

The longest range recorded for sniper kill is 2,430 metres (2,657 yd), accomplished by a Canadian sniper, Corporal Rob Furlong, during the invasion of Afghanistan, using a .50 caliber BMG (12.7 mm) McMillan TAC-50 bolt-action rifle. This meant that the bullet had a flight time of ≈ 4.5 seconds, and a drop of ≈ 70 meters (230 ft).


Poster: Canadaka
Hits: 15417
Last Modified: 20 Oct, 2010


  1. Wed Oct 20, 2010 11:13 am
    No longer a world record, was broken this summer by a Brit.

  2. by avatar 2Cdo
    Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:19 pm
    "Canadaka" said
    No longer a world record, was broken this summer by a Brit.

    I believe the Brit scored a kill at a little over 2500m to take the record.

  3. by Regina  Gold Member
    Wed Oct 20, 2010 9:43 pm
    "2Cdo" said
    No longer a world record, was broken this summer by a Brit.

    I believe the Brit scored a kill at a little over 2500m to take the record.
    This is an old story but from what I remember of the calculations I did at the time, it was only bettered by about 200' or so. Which at that range............... 8O 8O

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