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Longest national highway in the world

Category:Buildings & Structures
Type:world record
guinness record
Date: 1962
Tags:World, National, longest


The Trans Canada Highway stretches a whopping 4,860 miles (this figure varies slightly depending upon the source) across Canada. Beginning on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, (where Mile Zero is marked by a monument), the road makes its way across the Continental Divide, 5 time zones, and 10 provinces, and includes several car ferries before it terminates in St. John's, Newfoundland.

The highway varies in size from a two-lane road to a divided highway and is not a single route. In some places, there are actually several different routes the adventurous traveler can take. And though the number of the route changes by province, the distinctive maple leaf signs remain the same.

Passed on December 10, 1949, the Trans Canada Highway Act provided federal funding for the road. The highway was due to be completed in 1956, but wasn't formally opened until 1962 due to (what else?) construction delays. The final cost was close to $600 million.

Source: Ask Yahoo!

Poster: Hyack
Hits: 8148


  1. Thu Feb 07, 2008 9:24 am
    I had the pleasure of driving the Tans Canada from Victoria BC all the way to Cape Breton NS last summer.

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