Harper's Address to the Nation

category: Canadian Political
Canuck Tube


  1. Thu Dec 04, 2008 9:38 am
    You retarded fat windbag... You'll be gone soon! Ha! "Not our democratic right"? We're well within Democracy, asshole. Shove your cutesy softy lovy-dovy adult-to-child tone up your freaking ass.

    Long Live the Left!

  2. Thu Dec 04, 2008 1:10 pm
    "Mr_Canada" said
    You retarded fat windbag... You'll be gone soon! Ha! "Not our democratic right"? We're well within Democracy, asshole. Shove your cutesy softy lovy-dovy adult-to-child tone up your freaking ass.

    Long Live the Left!

    Sure glad you cant vote yet allthough it's obvious you couldnt make an informed desicion yet at your age without help from whoever you have as a hero at the moment.

    Try thinking for yourself mr c. You will go a lot farther in life then if all you can do is parrot your partisanship or hero's statements.

    Your starting to sound like Kenmore.Pull the string,out bleats some tired old party line along with a few empty insults for good measure and to assure the immaturity level hasnt got past grade 4.

    I see your NDP and LIB icon are now gone from your avatar. :lol:

  3. Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:41 pm
    Instead of bashing the separatists and perhaps sparking another unity problem, how about an apology for starting this firestorm in the first place, or is that too much to ask?

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added:Wed Dec 2008
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added:Wed Dec 1969
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