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Anti-Conservative Videos   Canadian Political

2006 Liberal Attack Ad

The worst of the bunch

added: Sun May 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2789 | Comments: 0

Bob Rae On Helena Guergis And Her Many Assistants 04/01/10 QP Bob Rae blasts the Prime Minister for not doing something about the public relations fiasco that is Helena Gurgis. Ra

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2298 | Comments: 0

Corporate Tax Cuts

Instead of adding to Harper's record $56-billion deficit by borrowing $6 billion more for tax breaks to the largest corporations, Liberals want to address the economic pr

added: Sat Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2323 | Comments: 0

Danny Williams Slams Stephen Harper

Speaking to the Newfoundland and Labrador Board of Trade on September 10, 2008, Premier Danny Williams says "a majority government for Stephen Harper would be one of the

added: Fri Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 5216 | Comments: 0

Fighter Jets

Instead of spending $16 billion on untendered fighter jets, Liberals want to address the economic pressures facing Canadian families when it comes to family care, pension

added: Sat Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2382 | Comments: 0

Harper's Conservative Modus Operandi

added: Mon Mar 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 4643 | Comments: 0

Harper's Promises: Lie. Conceal. Fabricate.

added: Mon Mar 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3230 | Comments: 0

Les allègements fiscaux pour les plus grandes entreprises

Au lieu d'augmenter le déficit record de Harper de 56 milliards de dollars en empruntant 6 milliards de dollars supplémentaires en vue de financer les allègements fiscaux

added: Sat Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3025 | Comments: 0

Les avions de chasse

Au lieu de dépenser 16 milliards de dollars pour acheter des avions de chasse sans appel d'offres, les libéraux veulent aborder la question des pressions économiques auxq

added: Sat Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2562 | Comments: 0

price is right

added: Wed Apr 2007 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3198 | Comments: 0

Stephen Harper Deregulates Food Safety

The Conservative government further deregulates the Canadian food processing industry while a listerious outbreak sickens and kills Canadians.

added: Fri Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2948 | Comments: 0

Stephen Harper Lies - Fixed Election Dates

Stephen Harper ignored his own law on fixed election dates and sent Canadians to the polls on October 14, 2008. See the liar in action - and see him get caught by a repor

added: Fri Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3195 | Comments: 0

Stephen Harper vs. The "Press"

added: Mon Mar 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3327 | Comments: 0

Stephen Harper: Death Toll

added: Mon Mar 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3148 | Comments: 0

Stephen Harper: Just Leaving

added: Tue May 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2681 | Comments: 0
