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14 videos

Conservative Videos   Canadian Political

A Nation of Immigrants: Harper

added: Sat Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3025 | Comments: 0

Bob Fife- "No one in the Conservative Caucus or PMO wants Guergis to stay"

Bob Fife blasts Helena Guergis, claiming the entire Conservative caucus and PMO wants her to resign.

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2310 | Comments: 0

Canada Must Stand For Something: Harper

added: Sat Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2764 | Comments: 0

Canadian Aid workers in Haiti

A Medicine Hat Alberta Group called Lifeline Haiti is leading Canadian relief efforts in the earthquake ravaged country of Haiti. The organization's founder Bob Davisson

added: Wed Mar 2010 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2582 | Comments: 0

Conservative Anti- Coalition Rally , Library Square Vancouver , Dec 6 08

BREAKING NEWS : Mr Stockwell Day failed to mention,that in year 2000, Conservative Alliance,Conservative and the Bloc had agreed to form a coalition,The 2000 agreement ,t

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2253 | Comments: 0

Faire face au défi

An ad promoting Stephen Harper and the Conservative Party en francais.

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2865 | Comments: 0

Family is Everything: Harper

added: Sat Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2848 | Comments: 0

Harper - Lest We Forget

added: Sat Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2894 | Comments: 0

Le Quebec Prend Des Forces

added: Sat Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2799 | Comments: 0

Opposition Leader Tim Hudak Addresses The Economic Club of Canada

Ontario's Leader of the Official Opposition Tim Hudak, MPP addresses the Economic Club of Canada to discuss his Party's priorities for the upcoming Legislative session an

added: Mon Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2216 | Comments: 0

Peter Mackay Song

Peter Mackay sings a funny country and western song about his life

added: Thu Sep 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2958 | Comments: 0

PMO Throws Helena Guergis Under the Bus

Stephen Harpers goon squad go after Helena Guergis on the two major Canadian networks. Harper campaign manager Tom Flanagan says outright that Guergis should resign, and

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2337 | Comments: 0

Rising to the Challenge

The 2011 advertisement in support of the Conservatives in English.

added: Wed Jan 2011 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2317 | Comments: 0

The True North Strong And Free: Harper

added: Sat Sep 2008 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2802 | Comments: 0
