Just before the round-up began this weekend, Bundy said federal agents surrounded his 150-acre ranch. His son was arrested on Sunday in an incident involving the agents.
?They?ve been bringing men in and equipment and setting up a compound,? Bundy told FoxNews.com Monday. ?They got helicopters flying low. They got snipers around the ranch. Our access to public lands has been blocked.?
Those jackbooted thugs enforcing the law again. Bet you that rancher is a real law and order type, except when it's about his actions. Then it's about the freedom to do what you want.
This isn't the first time the BLM has gone to war over cattle grazing on Gov't land. IIRC it was about a decade ago that they did the same thing to a bunch of ranchers in Montana and that almost ended up in a shooting war.
This has less to do with any US political party or President and everything to do with a Gov't Dept making piss poor decisions that negatively effect ranchers who have used that land for years with no issues.
The Bureau of Land Management is overreacting, again and one of these times it's going to set off a chain of events that'll cause a situation leading to a range war with ranchers all over the west.
"Freakinoldguy" said This isn't the first time the BLM has gone to war over cattle grazing on Gov't land. IIRC it was about a decade ago that they did the same thing to a bunch of ranchers in Montana and that almost ended up in a shooting war.
This has less to do with any US political party or President and everything to do with a Gov't Dept making piss poor decisions that negatively effect ranchers who have used that land for years with no issues.
The Bureau of Land Management is overreacting, again and one of these times it's going to set off a chain of events that'll cause a situation leading to a range war with ranchers all over the west.
Could very be an over reaction by this agency. However, given what tha Rancher has said, I kinda feel having that equipment nearby might be necessary.
What the hell ? This guy stopped paying fees years before it was a protected area and owes hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why doesn't he buy his own land ? And how is this fair to the law biding people whom actually legally pay the fees required and contribute to the system.
Of course there is an atmosphere of intimidation. He refuses to abide by the law.
You can bet if I park my ass in a walmart and claim the land as my own I would soon find an atmosphere of intimidation.
We get the same issues in Wyoming. Can't have a rain barrel to collect rain from our roof because someone downstream owns the water before it even falls from the sky. We get US Park Service on the land sometimes thinking it's their land and we have to chase them off. At least we don't get BLM.
"Delwin" said What the hell ? This guy stopped paying fees years before it was a protected area and owes hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why doesn't he buy his own land ? And how is this fair to the law biding people whom actually legally pay the fees required and contribute to the system.
Of course there is an atmosphere of intimidation. He refuses to abide by the law.
You can bet if I park my ass in a walmart and claim the land as my own I would soon find an atmosphere of intimidation.
Plus the cute little tortoises...
You've got to go back to the Open Range Laws to understand why this guy is pissed. The laws are pretty specific and still in effect.
In the Western United States and Canada, open range is rangeland where cattle roam freely regardless of land ownership. The practice was used in Mexico, and some argue it may have been the predecessor to the open range practice in the American West, which borrowed many other cattle raising techniques from Mexico.
Where there are "open range" laws, people wanting to keep animals off their property must erect a legal fence to keep animals out, as opposed to the "herd district" where an animal's owner must fence it in or otherwise keep it on the person's own property. Most eastern states and jurisdictions in Canada require owners to fence in or herd their livestock.
So unless the BLM actually fenced off their land it's open range and can be grazed by anyones cattle unless of course they decide to become the heavy and ignore the law.
So fuck the BLM they can't have their cake and eat it to and if you think this guy is the only person they're being the heavy to guess again and BTW Nevada is an open range state so the Gov'ts at fault here.
County Commissioner Says Bundy Supporters “Better Have Funeral Plans”
Nevermind this is from InfoWars but WHAT THE FUCK is going on? This crazy shit seems to only happen under Democratic Administrations (not blaming Clinton or Obama) as certain officials are able to worm their way into these Government Agencies.
The trouble started when Bundy stopped paying grazing fees in 1993. He said he didn't have to because his Mormon ancestors worked the land since the 1880s, giving him rights to the land.
Too bad - perhaps he should have paid the fees to use the land. If he doesn't want to do that, then he should buy his own grazing land.
As for the preposterous claim that his relatives have done it since 1880, all he has done is prove they operated just as illegally as he has. Maybe they should up the bill to a couple million to take that into account...
The trouble started when Bundy stopped paying grazing fees in 1993. He said he didn't have to because his Mormon ancestors worked the land since the 1880s, giving him rights to the land.
Too bad - perhaps he should have paid the fees to use the land. If he doesn't want to do that, then he should buy his own grazing land.
As for the preposterous claim that his relatives have done it since 1880, all he has done is prove they operated just as illegally as he has. Maybe they should up the bill to a couple million to take that into account...
Unpaid taxes isn't reason for helicopters, snipers and now death threats.
The trouble started when Bundy stopped paying grazing fees in 1993. He said he didn't have to because his Mormon ancestors worked the land since the 1880s, giving him rights to the land.
Too bad - perhaps he should have paid the fees to use the land. If he doesn't want to do that, then he should buy his own grazing land.
As for the preposterous claim that his relatives have done it since 1880, all he has done is prove they operated just as illegally as he has. Maybe they should up the bill to a couple million to take that into account...
Unpaid taxes isn't reason for helicopters, snipers and now death threats.
Something else is going on.
I can agree with that - my guess (and it's just that based on the article) - is that it has something to do with the confrontation on the weekend that got his son arrested.
Tack on this;
Federal officials said BLM enforcement agents were dispatched in response to statements Bundy made that the agency perceived as threats.
And one can understand why officials there are nervous. I guess it all has to do with what was said in those threats - talking about Ruby Ridge and Waco certainly won't calm the situation down either. Bundy should pay more attention to what he says...maybe he needs a lawyer to help him through this.
?They?ve been bringing men in and equipment and setting up a compound,? Bundy told FoxNews.com Monday. ?They got helicopters flying low. They got snipers around the ranch. Our access to public lands has been blocked.?
Are we overreacting much ?
And didn't this begin with BLM pretending it was about some stupid tortoise, or something?
This has less to do with any US political party or President and everything to do with a Gov't Dept making piss poor decisions that negatively effect ranchers who have used that land for years with no issues.
The Bureau of Land Management is overreacting, again and one of these times it's going to set off a chain of events that'll cause a situation leading to a range war with ranchers all over the west.
This isn't the first time the BLM has gone to war over cattle grazing on Gov't land. IIRC it was about a decade ago that they did the same thing to a bunch of ranchers in Montana and that almost ended up in a shooting war.
This has less to do with any US political party or President and everything to do with a Gov't Dept making piss poor decisions that negatively effect ranchers who have used that land for years with no issues.
The Bureau of Land Management is overreacting, again and one of these times it's going to set off a chain of events that'll cause a situation leading to a range war with ranchers all over the west.
Could very be an over reaction by this agency. However, given what tha Rancher has said, I kinda feel having that equipment nearby might be necessary.
Of course there is an atmosphere of intimidation. He refuses to abide by the law.
You can bet if I park my ass in a walmart and claim the land as my own I would soon find an atmosphere of intimidation.
Plus the cute little tortoises...
What the hell ? This guy stopped paying fees years before it was a protected area and owes hundreds of thousands of dollars. Why doesn't he buy his own land ? And how is this fair to the law biding people whom actually legally pay the fees required and contribute to the system.
Of course there is an atmosphere of intimidation. He refuses to abide by the law.
You can bet if I park my ass in a walmart and claim the land as my own I would soon find an atmosphere of intimidation.
Plus the cute little tortoises...
You've got to go back to the Open Range Laws to understand why this guy is pissed. The laws are pretty specific and still in effect.
Where there are "open range" laws, people wanting to keep animals off their property must erect a legal fence to keep animals out, as opposed to the "herd district" where an animal's owner must fence it in or otherwise keep it on the person's own property. Most eastern states and jurisdictions in Canada require owners to fence in or herd their livestock.
So unless the BLM actually fenced off their land it's open range and can be grazed by anyones cattle unless of course they decide to become the heavy and ignore the law.
So fuck the BLM they can't have their cake and eat it to and if you think this guy is the only person they're being the heavy to guess again and BTW Nevada is an open range state so the Gov'ts at fault here.
Nevermind this is from InfoWars but WHAT THE FUCK is going on?
Too bad - perhaps he should have paid the fees to use the land. If he doesn't want to do that, then he should buy his own grazing land.
As for the preposterous claim that his relatives have done it since 1880, all he has done is prove they operated just as illegally as he has. Maybe they should up the bill to a couple million to take that into account...
Too bad - perhaps he should have paid the fees to use the land. If he doesn't want to do that, then he should buy his own grazing land.
As for the preposterous claim that his relatives have done it since 1880, all he has done is prove they operated just as illegally as he has. Maybe they should up the bill to a couple million to take that into account...
Unpaid taxes isn't reason for helicopters, snipers and now death threats.
Something else is going on.
Too bad - perhaps he should have paid the fees to use the land. If he doesn't want to do that, then he should buy his own grazing land.
As for the preposterous claim that his relatives have done it since 1880, all he has done is prove they operated just as illegally as he has. Maybe they should up the bill to a couple million to take that into account...
Unpaid taxes isn't reason for helicopters, snipers and now death threats.
Something else is going on.
I can agree with that - my guess (and it's just that based on the article) - is that it has something to do with the confrontation on the weekend that got his son arrested.
Tack on this;
And one can understand why officials there are nervous. I guess it all has to do with what was said in those threats - talking about Ruby Ridge and Waco certainly won't calm the situation down either. Bundy should pay more attention to what he says...maybe he needs a lawyer to help him through this.