George Floyd's death sparks protests across U.S.Law & Order | 208943 hits | May 29 7:37 pm | Posted by: Strutz Commentsview comments in forum Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 You need to be a member of CKA and be logged into the site, to comment on news. |
This link I posted will be updated and expanded upon constantly and I'm sure there are countless other news outlets that will have coverage as well.
This is unreal and frightening.
Such a tremendous amount of damage is being done in so many cities across the USA and I'm sure there will be other lives lost.
As far as I'm concerned if there are any victims of these fires the arsonist should be charged with murder.
The assholes looting are just opportunistic thieves who likely wouldn't do their shit if it wasn't for this situation. Robbing and destroying businesses for no freaking reason.
I have a sneaking sense that this round of riots is going to be as epochal as the Watts and Detroit riots in the 1960's, and the LA riots in 1994. There's just too much malice (Trump/GOP) and outside factors (COVID) involved this time that have stirred up a real bitches brew. I don't know if this is the opening stage of a civil war but it's definitely the prelude to something really significant happening, like some real mega-violence occurring at both the upcoming DNC & RNC conventions before the election.
I don't know if this is the opening stage of a civil war but it's definitely the prelude to something really significant happening, like some real mega-violence occurring at both the upcoming DNC & RNC conventions before the election.
I was thinking the same. There have been many other protests, sadly sparked by similar motivations, in recent years but this one that has been happening over the last few days just feels different.
Something big is going to happen. ... -1.4960608
Naw, no matter the outcome of any murder trial the deceased mans death is just an excuse for these clowns to go nuts and get free stuff while destroying everything in their own communities that they can lay their hands on much like 92 in Los Angeles.
I read a snarky tweet the other day that really summed it up. “You know America is getting back to normal when black are getting killed again for no reason.”
And in many ways it’s sad that there is such senseless destruction of property and looting. But if that is what it takes to affect some change for once then t might be a good thing. Peaceful protests haven’t gotten anywhere. Kneeling during the anthem hasn’t worked. Maybe burning down a few police stations will get the police to wise up that people aren’t going to take their thuggery anymore.
To quote Tupac:
I might blow up any minute, did it again
Now I'm in the back of the paddy wagon
While this cops bragging about the nigga he's jacking
I see no justice
All I see is niggas dying fast
The sound of a gun blast
Then watch the hearse past
Just another day in the life 'G'
Gotta step lightly cause cops tried to snippe' me
The catch, they don't wanna stop at the brother man
But then they'll have an accident and pick up another man
Niggas!, isn't just the blacks
Also a gang of mother-fuckers dressed in blue slacks
They say niggas hang in packs and their attitude is shitty
Tell me, who's the biggest gang of niggas in the city
They say niggas like to do niggas,
Throw me in the cuffs with just two niggas
A street walkin' nigga and a beat walkin' nigga with a badge
It’s definitely due to a lot of pent up rage that’s been exacerbated this year by the pandemic.
Without a doubt all the anger, fear and uncertainty have contributed. IMO anyway.
Anxiety levels are way up.
I see it even here. Everyday.
Speaking of Donnie Dumbfuck, he hasn't tweeted in over ten hours, since the crowds of protesters started gathering outside the White House. Just like every other day of his miserable life he's quite safe behind the protection of others standing in front of him.
Yeah, saw on CNN that protesters surrounded the White House.
Maybe this will help calm things down. ... -1.4960608
Naw, no matter the outcome of any murder trial the deceased mans death is just an excuse for these clowns to go nuts and get free stuff while destroying everything in their own communities that they can lay their hands on much like 92 in Los Angeles.
Looting shit from Target or Wallyworld won't stop because politically correct charges were laid.
Neither will burning buildings.. both have nothing to do with the
CNN led bullshit race baiting and instigating violence going on...
Those two worked together;
Drugs and underlying health conditions means the lawyers are going to have a field day.
This is a trial that the:
Democrat Governor of Minnesota doesn't want
Democrat Mayor of Minneapolis doesn't want
Democrat Prosecutor of the County doesn't want
Trump must be laughing his ass off. The (Demonrats) just gave him an easy lay up