Canadian Reviews

Legion Review

Absolutely Terrible.  I have never walked out of a movie in my life, especially after paying as much as it costs at the Richmond St. Sociatiabank Theatre in downtown T.O.  But after an hour of this garbage, it just wasnt worth my time anymore. Half-baked, poorly explained story line worth of a straight-to-video or Tv movie special.  Filled with cheezy action sequences, corny, cliched and formulaic dialogue.  Cant even enjoy it on a superficial level.

Most of the story takes place in a desolate truckstop containing a gas station/restaurant on a deserted highway in the American desert; where a handful of travelrs from different walks of life have ended up for various reasons.  After the characters survive an unexpected attack from a old lady with supernatural abilities a mysterious stranger arrives and we eventually learn that God has decided to eradicate mankind from the planet, just as he did with the Great Flood but this time he has sent his Angels to possess humans and turn them into supernatural-zombie like creatures in order to kill people off in horific, gruesome ways.

The stranger is the hero, he is the Angel Michael, who rebels against God and has come to earth to save the humans, by stocking up firerarms and a seemingly endless supply of and protecting the waitress at the truck stop, who is pregnant with some child saviour that will rescue mankind from gods slaughter, although it was never explained how (at least not before I left). 

The first hour of the movie is a repetitive cycle, as the main characters alternate between mowing down massive numbers of the "possessed" attackers who stumble toward them in zombie-like waves, and having heart-to-heart conversations with eachother about how their daddy didnt pay enough attention to them as children or how their mother blames them for everything, or why they love a girl who will probably never love them back.  Script and dialogue is formulaic and almost every line spoken is one you've heard a thousand times before from other "B" movies.

There are a lot of scenes that are inexplicable - for example, at one point God's angels capture one of the characters and hang him on an upside-down cross.  Why would they hang him on an anti-religious symbol if they're doing gods work? When the others try to free him, his skin starts bubbling and he explodes into some sort of corrosive acid that kills another characther.  If the attacking angels possess such powers, why do they mindlessly lumber into machine-gun fire in other scenes?  This is the inconsistency:  in some scenes the enemy is portrayed as a shrieking, mindless, animalistic zombie and in others as conniving super-human. Some scenes show the possessed beings as having superhuman strength, yet in  one scence, one of the main characters is punching them out while the creatures are fruitlessly trying to break into a car.  

The movie started off ok, but then went straight into the garbage.  Dont waste your time or money.


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Added: January 23rd 2010
Reviewer BeaverFever
Hits: 20907

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