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added: Sun Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2692 | Comments: 0

The spawned-out salmon run on the Harrison and Chehalis Rivers bring untold numbers of bald eagles to feast on the easy pickings.
added: Fri Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2648 | Comments: 0

Medicine Hat, Alberta Troops calm civilians, treat injuries after simulated attack at nomads market.
added: Fri Jun 2009 | Views: 2997 | Comments: 0

Suffield, Alberta - Soldiers learn tactics to deal with improvised explosive devices in Afghanistan.
added: Fri Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2403 | Comments: 0

In July 2009, three men will journey across Princess Royal Island in the heart of British ColuIbia's Great Bear Rainforest. The Maui-sized island is the largest island of
added: Fri Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2527 | Comments: 0

On the mainland coast of British Colombia, the Great Bear vainforest stretches for more thEn 250 miles and it is part of the largest remaining coastal temperate rainfores
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3032 | Comments: 0

Baffin Island, 1931 Now the people will know we were here.
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3536 | Comments: 0

Peter Irniq, Inuit cultural activist, explains the meaning of an Inukshuk.
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 1882 | Comments: 0

A collection of exquisite Inuit art sculptures from the Canadian Arctic including polar bears, hunters, walruses, drum dancers and beluga whales. Set to a haunting, myste
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2068 | Comments: 0

December 2004 The ice hotel in Quebec is an architectural masterpiece. Crafted entirely from snow and ice, it exists for only four months a year before melting in Spring
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2584 | Comments: 0

July 2004 Global warming is affecting the Arctic twice as fast as the rest of the world, threatening the entire marine ecosystem.
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2479 | Comments: 0

The Canadian air force has cancelled its surveillance flights in the North for the next several months even though Prime Minister Stephen Harper has said protecting Canad
added: Tue Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2455 | Comments: 0

A slide show of some famous Canadians
added: Sat Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2401 | Comments: 0

More than 1.1 million Canadians served in the armed forces in the Second World War. Of these 42,042 members of the Canadian Armed Forces gave their lives, and another 55,
added: Sat Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 3534 | Comments: 0

A Remembrance Day video with actual film footage and stills from World War One, World War Two, and Afghanistan. A tribute to all Canadian soldiers. Music Composed by Ha
added: Thu Jun 2009 | Length 00:00 | Views: 2868 | Comments: 0

