Three Americans and three Canadians are about to get onto a train. The Americans go to buy their tickets...and they buy one each. Then the Canadians go to buy their tickets, and they only buy one for the three of them. The Americans say to them, "You guys are so dumb! You're gonna get kicked off the train!" The Canadians just say, "Wait and see..." So as soon as they get on the train, the Americans take their seats, but the Canadians cram themselves into one bathroom stall. A few minutes after the train started moving, the ticket man came around, took the Americans' tickets, then knocked on the door of the bathroom stall. "Ticket please!" he said. One of the Canadians stuck a hand out and handed him a ticket. When he left, the Candians came out of the bathroom. "Wow!" the Americans said to them, "That's pretty clever! We're gonna try that tomorrow!" The next day, when they are about to get onto the train, the Americans buy one ticket for the three of them, and the Canadians don't buy any at all! "What the hell are you doing?" asked the Americans, "They're gonna kick you off the train if you don't have any ticket at all!" The Canadians said, "Wait and see..." So as soon as they get onto the train, the Americans all cram themselves into one bathroom stall, and the Canadians into another. Right as the train starts moving, one of the Canadians gets out of the stall, creeps over the Americans' stall, knocks on teh door, and says, "Ticket please!"
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