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- An Oilers fan was driving home from work and he passed by the local priest -
Category: Canadian Jokes/Sports Jokes

From: Canadaka
Author: Unknown
Added: March 09, 2005
Modified: March 09, 2005
Views: 8135
Votes: 35
Rating: 5.74

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An Oilers fan was driving home from work and he passed by the local priest:

An Oilers fan was driving home from work and he passed by the local priest. He stops and offers him a lift. The priest thanks him kindly and together they proceed to the church to drop the priest off.

On the way they pass a man walking his dog on the other side of the road. On closer inspection the man was seen to be wearing a replica Flames sweater. Now, the Oiler fan that was driving just hated the Flames, and he suddenly felt an uncontrollable urge to run his car into him. He put his foot down on the accelerator and tried to hit him. At the last minute the Flames fan jumped out of the way, the driver of the car heard a bang, but he was sure he'd missed him.

The two men proceeded to the church in silence. The Oilers fan pulled up and said, "Look Father, I'm really sorry about that incident back there. I don't know what came over me. Can you forgive me, Father??"

The Priest replied, "Of course I can forgive you, my son. Don't worry - I GOT HIM WITH THE CAR DOOR."

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Posted By:
hehehehehehe.....Oilers and Flames suck
Posted By:
ahahah ohhhhh snap
Posted By:
oh snap the actual joke is the whiners dont know how to drive cars/trucks
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lol, Calgary flammers
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