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- Cup final, Toronto vs Montreal -
Category: Canadian Jokes/Sports Jokes

From: Canadaka
Author: Unknown
Added: March 09, 2005
Modified: March 09, 2005
Views: 14883
Votes: 21
Rating: 4.66

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Cup final, Toronto vs Montreal:

It's Game seven of the Stanley Cup final, Toronto vs Montreal, and a man makes his way to his seat, right down at centre ice. He sits down and notices that the next seat is empty. He leans over and askes his neighbour if someone will be sitting there.
"No" he replied, "that seat shall be empty."
"That is incredible!! Who in their right mind would give up a seat like this and miss the final game of the playoffs!?!?"
The neighbour says, "Well actually that seat belonged to my wife, she passed away and this is the first game we haven't been together to since we were married in 1967."
"Oh I am so sorry, but you couldn't find anyone who would want to take this seat?"
"No" the man said, "They are all at her funeral!"

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i don't get it
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newfie11 either..
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