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- What Does That Shirt Say?!? -
Category: Other Jokes

From: bossdog
Author: Unknown
Added: May 10, 2006
Modified: May 10, 2006
Views: 2083
Votes: 5
Rating: 7.4

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What Does That Shirt Say?!?:

An Army guy is sitting at a bar wearing a shirt that says "Marines suck".

Sure enough, two marines walk up.

One of the Marines says, "WHAT DOES THAT SHIRT SAY!?!?!?!"

So the Army guy responds, "thats the first thing I hate about Marines, they cant read."

The other Marine growles, "What did you say!?!"

The Army guy responds, "Thats the second thing I hate about Marines, they cant hear."

Then the first Marine demands that they take this outside.

Two minutes later the Army guy walks back into the bar unharmed. The bartender askes what happened to the two Marines.

The army guy responds, "Thats the third thing I hate about Marines, they bring knives to gunfights."

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