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- hang on to your quarters -
Category: Canadian Jokes

From: 1andonly
Author: Unknown
Added: May 07, 2006
Modified: May 07, 2006
Views: 3135
Votes: 1
Rating: 9

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hang on to your quarters:

Hang on to any of the new Newfoundland quarters. If you have them, they may be worth much more than 25 cents. The Canadian Mint announced today that it is recalling all of the Newfoundland quarters that are part of its program featuring quarters from each province.
"This action is being taken after numerous reports that new quarters will not work in parking meters, toll booths, vending machines, pay phones, or other coin-operated devices."
"The problem lies in the unique design of the Newfoundland quarter, which was created by a team of Newfoundlanders," Shackleford said.
"Apparently, the duct tape holding the two dimes and the nickel together keeps jamming up the machines."

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