Shayne Dark Biography
Famous Canadian Categories:
Born 1952, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada Currently resides in Hartington, Ontario, Canada
Shayne Dark has participated in numerous exhibitions in Canada and the United States since he began his artistic career in the mid 1980’s. Dark creates mainly sculptural works, taking a keen interest in every aspect of the process of art production, which he feels draws upon and focuses the physical and perceptual experience of the world. His works often evoke the contrasts between urban settings and the natural world, they are meant to stimulate a spiritual or visceral reaction in the viewer.
Most recently Shayne's work was selected by an International Jury of art experts from 5 continents for exhibition in an International exhibition entitled ARTiade - Olympics of Visual Art. Shayne is one of 172 Artists from 78 nations chosen from more than 4,500 entries from 120 Nations in the competition. The exhibition, ARTiade - Olympics of Visual Art will run from 12 August to 29 September 2004, during the XXVIII Olympic Games 2004 in Athens. Shayne will be one of three Canadian artists representing Canada in Athens.
Shayne was the recipient of a grant from the Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc. in the fall of 2004.
A documentary of Shayne's life & work entitled 'Artist in the Round: Shayne Dark' premiered on Discovery Channel HD Theater on Sunday, April 25, 2004 across the United States.
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