famous Canadian quotes

Famous Canadian Quotes

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Quote Author
It is the difference in knowledge that commands respect. This is why the true test of every student lies in the humiliation of his master.  R. Scott Bakker 
Edmonton isn't really the end of the world -- although you can see it from there.  Ralph Klein  
Pity the poor creatures in warmer countries where the seasons never change. Where summer is eternal and they never know the pain of waiting and the joy at last when summer comes  Ray Guy 
Canada is a country so square that even the female impersonators are women  Richard Benner 
When a soldier steps on foreign soil in a high-risk environment, every single Canadian should be walking with him or her.  Rick Hillier 
The opposition parties, by attacking my relations with the federal government, in the last seven years, have not hesitated to score points.   Robert Bourassa 
A promise made is a debt unpaid.  Robert Service 
Even when Canadian humour is awful it just lies there being awful in its own fresh way.  Robert Thomas Allen  
Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons.  Robertson Davies 
Canada is not really a place where you are encouraged to have large spiritual adventures.  Robertson Davies 
Only a fool expects to be happy all the time.  Robertson Davies 
If we seek the pleasures of love, passion should be occasional and common sense continual.  Robertson Davies 
One of the most difficult tasks for the educated and sophisticated mind is to recognize that some clichés are also important truths.  Robertson Davies 
The people who fear humor - and there are many -are suspicious of its power to present things in unexpected lights to question received opinions and to suggest unforeseen possibilities.  Robertson Davies 
The young are often accused of exaggerating their troubles; they do so, very often, in the hope of making some impression upon the inertia and the immovability of the selfish old.  Robertson Davies 
I was not sure I wanted to issue orders to life; I rather liked the Greek notion of allowing Chance to take a formative hand in my affairs.  Robertson Davies 
The mind is a wonderful servant, but a terrible master.  Robin Sharma 
Time management is life managemnent  Robin Sharma 
Everything that happens in your life is beautiful.  Robin Sharma 
Canada is like a loft apartment over a really great party. Like: "Keep it down, eh?"  Robin Williams