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CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Montreal Canadiens
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:24 pm

Thanos Thanos:
The prime minister, Manuel Valls, said France had never before faced a terrorist threat of such magnitude.

“Never have we known such a great danger from terrorism,” Mr Valls said last month. “Our entire society must react, when we’ve got more than a thousand individuals, French or living in France, who are involved in this.”

Words are wind. And France (their socialist/communist politicians and intelligentsia especially) is one of the prime supporters of the European Court that just ordered France to pay damages to Somali pirates for putting them in custody and not charging them quickly enough, because apparently 48 hours behind bars was some massive human rights violation.

There's no Napoleon, or even a DeGaulle, out there anymore to put things right. And anyone who rises from the streets to change things would be branded a racist and subject to more criminal penalties just for speaking out than any of the Muslim murderers ever will be. This is the best (worst?) illustration possible of the sewer Europe has trapped itself in thanks to the dementia of the theories and policies they've imposed on themselves since the end of World War Two.

Not yet, anyway. Nothing will happen until the situation becomes sufficiently dire ... which it isn't yet.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:20 pm

'White courtesy phone for a Monsieur Charles Martel'

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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Posts: 26145
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 4:34 pm

Speaking on Toronto radio this morning, Mark Steyn noted (as he has for years) that belligerent Islam is aided and abetted by non-Muslim Western “leaders”:

All the appeasing politicians, journalists, cops, human resources directors, professors, their students and the entire apparatus of the elite intelligentsia who make excuses for terrorism, and who scold us poor benighted proles to stop being “Islamophobic.”

He told Toronto’s John Oakley:

In my book, I print the lyrics to a parody song I do on stage called, “My Sharia Amour.”

I took to doing that because I’d been dragged through the Human Rights Commissions and spent a day in a Vancouver courtroom listening to some so-called expert witness who’d been flown in from Philadelphia to do ‘literary analysis’ on my jokes about Islam.

That has no place in a Canadian courtroom.

“In the end,” Steyn continued:

Attempting to mediate relations between free people and Islam will not work. Islam either has to get on board with the whole freedom of speech thing or it cannot participate in pluralistic western democracies. It’s as simple as that.

And the state authorities in Canada and the United Kingdom — some guy in Yorkshire was just arrested by police because he tossed a Koran in a toilet. (…)

Universities are the most craven in our culture these days. (…) Pansified Western culture is obsessing over “microaggressions” but at the same time when some lunatic head-hackers open fire on you, you’ve just got to put up with it. That’s a recipe for the death of our civilization. ... y-villain/

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:07 pm

Mark Steyn, today Mark Steyn, today:
Universities are the most craven in our culture these days.

Zipperfish, yesterday Zipperfish, yesterday:
There is hardly a more craven group in the world than university administrators

Hmmm, maybe I should read Mark Steyn more often. :lol:

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:13 pm

You may also like Blazing Cat Fur.

Islam’s useful idiot apologists will be out in force shortly. Expect the ususal barrage of “Islam is a religion of peace”, “Nothing To Do With Islam”, and “Muslims fear (imaginary) Backlash” stories.

Our politicians will grovel, as will our security services. The MSM will cower in Dhimmi fear.

The usual suspect Imam’s will be trotted out to “Condemn Terrorism”, just like they are after every Muslim terror attack. This will be hailed as proof of Islam’s benevolence and tolerance and yet somehow the same Muslim community that repeatedly condemns terrorism will continue to spawn more and more acts of terrorism, relentlessly, every single day without let up.

Deceitful cries of Islamophobia will be employed to silence anyone who dares speak the truth about Islam’s inherent malevolence and the cycle of perpetual victimhood will be reinforced by debauched interfaith sycophants.

Do not be afraid to call your politicians liars when they pronounce Islam a religion of peace. They are lying, they know they are lying and they know their lies are unsustainable.

They lie about Islam to curry favour with the Muslim community strong men our insane policy of multiculturalism has created. They lie for votes. They will always lie.

Call them on it. ... lie-hebdo/

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:25 pm


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:54 pm

Paris Attack Suspect Dead, Two in Custody, U.S. Officials Say ... ay-n281761

Good that they caught two alive. This was not a lone wolf attack, nor were these guys mental cases. They had rocket launchers in their getaway car and were using AK 47s. One man who watched the attack said at first he thought they were a swat team because of the precision with which they moved.

the men were linked to a Yemeni terrorist network. Cherif Kouachi was convicted in 2008 of terrorism charges for helping funnel fighters to Iraq's insurgency and sentenced to 18 months in prison...

The Associated Press quoted Cherif Kouachi in 2008 as saying he'd been motivated by outrage at images of torture of Iraqi inmates at the U.S. prison at Abu Ghraib. "I really believed in the idea," it quoted him as saying.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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Posts: 33492
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:09 pm

Zipperfish Zipperfish:
Praxius Praxius:
Meh, I'm not excusing any of their actions by any means, but seriously, is anybody surprised?

A + B = C

A - Post images of a religious figure head which everybody knows greatly offends those who follow said religion.

B - The extremists and most moderates express their outrage and all extremists of said religion threaten to take violent action against those who offended them... Yet those who did continue to do so anyways.

C - The extremists take Violent Action.

*slaps cheek in surprise*

Wow didn't expect that.

Now again, I am not defending these extremist turd nuggets for their actions, nor am I going to say these guys who posted the images shouldn't express their freedom of expression, but I am also not going to shed sympathy over the whole matter for either side.

Freedom of speech and Freedom of expression does not equate to freedom of consequence... More importantly, while one can only hope, the reality is that you can not blindly expect people to leave you alone based on your opinions, actions or expressions.


Because many people in the world are small minded idiots who don't understand how to deal with a problem without resorting to violence. When you know who these people are and know very well they react with physical violence when provoked... And you provoke them anyways again and again, you have your own special role in creating the problem in the first place.

Now when I said freedom of speech/expression doesn't equate to freedom from consequence, the consequences vary. I can express my opinion and views and while I can do that publicly, I can have the consequence of others no longer wanting to deal with me. If I go to a privately run business and freely express my opinion that the owner is a complete tool and throw out all kinds of insults and offenses, would I not face the possible consequence of that business/owner refusing to provide me with their services?

When we express ourselves we face consequences for our actions every single time. It can range widely with consequences, from someone no longer liking you or wanting to deal with you, to possible jail time depending on the situation.

While we call it Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Expression, let us get down to the bare facts:

There was never such a thing as absolute freedom of speech or expression. Look up the laws, even the original laws when these so-called freedoms were created and you will see that there have always been certain limitations and restrictions.

Now in saying all of that, doing what these guys did to PO the Muslim Extremists equates to punching a wild animal in the forest.... Or walking up to some Mexican Drug Cartel and telling him you're going to call the cops on him.

In a perfect world, you may not have to worry about any danger to your life and the police & rule of law will protect you, but we all know that many others do not give two craps about the law and our rights and will take matters into their own hands.

You may think you should have the right to walk down your neighborhood streets and not have to worry about being robbed, sexually assaulted, attacked or hit by a drunk driver.... And you do.

But again, not everybody respects the law & your rights and when it all comes down the line, your protection eventually ends up in your hands and thus, you need to think before you act.

Religion of Peace some say?

I've heard that before as a mockery in other forums, and this phrase always brings me back to the same question:

What Religious Faith in this world IS A RELIGION OF PEACE??

As far as I am aware, none of them. They're all equally destructive to the world and all have had their fair share of brutality in some form or another, some worse than others.

I could go on, but I think that's enough for people to rant on about for now. I'll save the rest for later.

Murder and mayhem is not an acceptable "consequence." And your argument smacks of the folks who say that women who wear provocative clothes are asking to get raped.

Or you can just look at it that they should have expected this. In fact they did - they had a police guard because of threats made. But the authorities, maybe also the magazine, obviously acted with typical French insouciance. The first flic to arrive was on a bicycle and unarmed. I believe this is the one that was executed. Very brave of them to keep publishing, but they should have at least had more protection.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Calgary Flames
Posts: 33561
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:30 pm

N_Fiddledog N_Fiddledog:

Vive la France libre.


CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:31 pm ... do-murders

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
 Vancouver Canucks

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:41 pm

And did you see the crowd in Paris?

Hear what they're singing?

It's this...

What! These foreign cohorts!
They would make laws in our courts!
What! These mercenary phalanxes
Would cut down our warrior sons
Good Lord! By chained hands
Our brow would yield under the yoke
The vile despots would have themselves be
The masters of destiny

Tremble, tyrants and traitors
The shame of all good men
Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
Will receive their just reward
Against you we are all soldiers
If they fall, our young heros
France will bear new ones
Ready to join the fight against you!


Last edited by N_Fiddledog on Wed Jan 07, 2015 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 6:59 pm

CBC now saying the youngest suspect has turned himself in. No word on the other two.

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Posts: 3
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:01 pm

I'm curious, if they're gonna catch those terrorists and what kind of punishment, they'll receive.

CKA Uber
CKA Uber

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Posts: 42160
PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:17 pm

I like how CBC keeps referring to these turds as 'militants'. They are terrorists for Pete';s sake. Is Justine going to suggest that all they needed was a hug and to feel needed?

CKA Super Elite
CKA Super Elite
 Edmonton Oilers
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PostPosted: Wed Jan 07, 2015 9:35 pm


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