DerbyX DerbyX:
No. In fact The Nation Birth Control League was founded in 1916 under Mary Dennett which later became the Amerioan Birth Control League under her and then eventually Planned Parenthood.
Mery Dennett helped found the National Birth Control League (NBCL) and led the organization from 1915 until 1918. The NBCL disintegrated in 1919 as Mary Dennett created a new organization, the Voluntary Parenthood League (VPL), which became the principal rival of Margaret Sanger's American Birth Control League (ABCL) during the 1920s.
She was not the founded nor its sole visionary despite her eugenic beliefs that tarnished her reputation, tarnishment you seem not to see in the unsavory tactics of CPCs and their ilk.
Unsavory tactics? How is advocating against something you sincerely regard as murder "unsavory?" I grant that if they try to present themselves as a completely unbiased party, that would be wrong, but how is their perspective harming anyone?
Unlike CPCs they have championed birth control education and availability as well as providing female specific health services.
As is to be expected.
Again, unlike CPCs, they provide all choices equally with as much information as they can so the women can make a non-judgemented informed choice.
I strongly disagree here. Planned Parenthood does not present keeping the fetus as as viable an option as abortion. Them trying to present themselves as unbiased is at least as wrong as CPCs attempting to do so, if such a thing occurs.
They don't intimidate women and they don't violate confidentiality soemthing CPCs do as a matter of course.
Violating confidentiality? Do you mean neglecting to report statutory rape and other crimes? Planned Parenthood has been known to do so.
As for your murder crack well that just shows your complete lack of information on the subject. Birth has been known to kill women BTW.
Birth is natural, although it may be an assisted. A doctor performing an abortion is decidedly not so.